Example sentences of "been [verb] [adv] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You 've just been seeing too many films .
2 He had been given so many things to digest , not the least that it was possible Celia might have a father still living .
3 Never before had anyone in Europe been given so many transplants :
4 In the 1970 's and early ‘ 80 's the Club saw more changes than in the whole of its earlier history , so much so that in 1976 former President Tom Luker said of the course shortly before his death ( 1977 ) , ‘ It has been modified so many times it has gone full circle ’ .
5 But yesterday , as she nursed the baby she had been praying so many years for , she said : ‘ I never gave up hope . ’
6 It 's been done too many times .
7 Many people say that near Frankenhausen in Thuringia is a mountain in which Frederick Barbarossa may be found … he has been seen there many times .
8 Mr Haynes explained that the earlier surge in borrowings , which had peaked at £5.2m in December 1990 , had arisen because the company had been publishing too many books on the general publishing side ( as opposed to the car and motor cycle manuals which are Haynes ' core activity ) .
9 Ok , we ve not been scoring too many goals , but the performances for EVERY MATCH ( barring MAYBE Norwich ) have been better than that of the opposition .
10 While the others were talking of Hubert Molland , Peter had felt like a spectator at a play — as if he were watching a scene that had been rehearsed so many times that the actors spoke their lines mechanically , hardly caring about the meaning .
11 they 'd been ca they 'd been called so many times you know when he was low .
12 Olive had been expecting so many horrors that hearing the question she almost laughed with relief .
13 It is precisely to deal with those problems that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has been having so many discussions over the past year .
14 Managers say Stoke Mandeville has simply been treating too many people .
15 apparently she does n't know why they sacked her she said , they sacked apparently something to do with she 'd been asking too many questions or something and but she
16 It was n't jerky , just a little unsettling , and Maxim might not have been asking so many questions if he 'd been able to sit back and watch the countryside flow past .
17 Schools , temples and churches have been hit too many times in the past few weeks to be the victims of mistakes .
18 If it had n't have been for her I would n't have been taking so many exams .
19 ‘ I think you 've been reading too many thrillers , Superintendent . ’
20 ‘ You 've been reading too many Sunday supplements . ’
21 " And you 've been reading too many novels .
22 I think if debate had been continued then many backbench Tory MPs would have expressed their reservations and their concerns about the Government 's proposals .
23 Some women find , for instance , they can renew old friendships which did n't fit in with their former lives ; interests that may have been put aside many years ago to accommodate someone else can be taken out of mothballs .
24 Topix Abteilungsrechner & Workstations magazine reports that an announcement regarding the B20 , on which Siemens Nixdorf has been pinning so many hopes , was planned originally for the autumn .
25 ‘ I think you 've been watching too many movies . ’
26 Bernice decided that Ell had been watching too many films .
27 But his work has been destroyed so many times in the rads that he 's now giving up .
28 The story of the sunken village under Semer Water has been repeated so many times that it may be pointless me telling the story once again , yet there may be some of you who wo n't have heard it , so if you 're sitting comfortably , I 'll begin .
29 That has a go , an attack , about everything because you 've been rejected so many times , so many times , and will continue to be rejected when we get the next election that you 're frightened to death to have .
30 I have been described as many things , but that is the first time I have been described as a tourist attraction .
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