Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This has been done with very harmonic negotiations on contracts , er big operators er and our substantial savings .
2 The neutrons came from fusion reactions between particles that had been accelerated to very high energies by magnetic fields the scientists were using to contain the very hot ionised gases that were supposed to support fusion .
3 The edges of the neck and headstock have been bound to very good effect , with commendable attention to detail .
4 However , few of the statistical methods have achieved more than a 70 per cent explanation rate , and furthermore , the regressions have often been based on very small samples of professional people , and the mechanistic techniques have cloaked what is essentially unquantifiable with an indefensible professional mysticism .
5 Family planning as promoted in El Salvador has been characterized by very aggressive marketing and it is more than apparent that both the medical profession and women are subjected to unethical pressures .
6 The post-war period has also been characterized by very profound changes in family and household formation patterns .
7 For industrial societies , the position has often been portrayed in very different terms .
8 Thus the Hellenistic age saw an intellectual event of the first order : the confrontation of the Greeks with four other civilizations , three of which had been practically unknown to them before , and one of which had been known under very different conditions .
9 Of course the most famous object in Andromeda is the Great Spiral , M31 , which has been known from very early times .
10 Your three separate readings should have been executed at very different speeds , the third reading being the slowest and the second the fastest .
11 Many of these institutions had in their histories as further education colleges operated with strong hierarchical traditions , and these structures had often been accompanied by very authoritarian behaviour by their principals .
12 As M3 grew so fast in the early Eighties , its performance can hardly explain the reduction in inflation , which I believe to have been caused by very high and rising unemployment together with a very large and destructive appreciation in sterling .
13 Although the rate of growth has fallen since the oil crises of the 1970s , Japan 's productivity advantage has been magnified by very low rates of increase in unit labour costs .
14 Perhaps after a long and unpleasant time in various German prison camps in Bavaria , Czechoslovakia and Brunswick , where the prisoners had been subjected to very severe bombing raids in which a number of them were killed , he had lost some of his characteristically boyish expression , but his sense of humour had n't suffered .
15 However , in contrast to Nicaragua , where the economy has come close to collapse , in El Salvador both the additional costs of the war and increasing indebtedness have been counterbalanced by very large injections of aid from the United States .
16 Anyway , the Chinese seem excessively embarrassed and concerned about an incident of this type , and we have been kept under very careful supervision ( I am sure for our sakes , in their eyes ) whenever we have gone out of the hotel .
17 Those savings have been achieved by very careful housekeeping indeed .
18 Yes , I think that as David said one of the things that we 've been working at very hard in recent years in teacher training is to try to improve the quality and the content of reading courses generally , and then I think it is also necessary to draw attention to teachers of this problem of dyslexia .
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