Example sentences of "been [verb] [conj] you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Stop , we will of course continue to put the varieties into unofficial trials , bracket and will pay the fees in full close brackets , in good faith on the understanding that when the varieties are to go into U K official trials , the position of your company will have been resolved and you will then be in a position to offer us the excrusive , exclusive rights at that time .
2 No , Dundee branch has not been re-opened but you ca n't keep a good team down .
3 The result will be that it dumps everything that has been transferred and you will have to start again from the beginning !
4 It has been argued that you can identify a person 's class according to his dress , manner of speech , address , attitude to education , leisure habits etc .
5 ‘ I had been wondering whether you 'd change your mind and live here permanently . ’
6 It has already been agreed that you 'll be offered another position within the Corporation at the same salary . ’
7 See and all that screaming and all that aggravation could have been avoided if you 'd have known you were going to get in .
8 Dear Steve Racist Liar Prat , your theft of my copyrights and your brief ‘ celebration ’ of your ‘ scoop ’ , which you paraded to your fellow racist crooks at my expense , has been noted and you shall be , believe me , very sorry that you sought to persist in gloating in your backward , immoral capacity to confect racist lies on the assumption that I shall not be able to retaliate in kind .
9 On the other side of the coin , the grounds maintenance service is very highly rated at and we have this interesting shared contr cu campus with Sheldon , where I think the District Council D S O is cutting Sheldon 's grass , and the County Council D S O have been cutting and you 'll be able to walk along the divide and see which looks better I suppose , after a bit .
10 ‘ Your appeal against the above offer of permanent accommodation made available to you on 12-9-91 has been considered carefully but I regret to inform you that the appeal has not been allowed and you should sign for the tenancy at the local housing office by 2-12-91 .
11 What will happen after the E.D.C. has the property has never been discussed but you can be assured that it will be for recreational .
12 What will happen after the E.D.C. has the property has never been discussed but you can be assured that it will be for recreational .
13 I 've been thinking that you ought to get away from here for a bit , but I do n't quite see how I could leave the hospital just now .
14 Do n't ask why a debt has n't been paid because you 'll get what you asked for … an excuse and not necessarily your money .
15 It has been predicted that you 'll only need to buy one box , and that install routines will work out which processor the machine is based on and do whatever 's necessary to make the program work .
16 Now I know in some of the newspapers today it 's been suggested that you would be doing sort of long distance surgery as it were , but that 's not the case ?
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