Example sentences of "been [verb] [conj] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 The Tribunal concluded that S would not have been dismissed if she had not been pregnant .
2 The question was whether an employee who was going to suffer from a disability , and was then guilty of misconduct , would have been dismissed if he had been a man .
3 He went on to report that on the previous Saturday , Field 's case had come before Mr.Justice Heath ; three of the four witnesses had been examined and there had been no evidence to prove that the deceased had received blows on her stomach , the diseased state of which organ caused her death .
4 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
5 But by the end of the 1890s , although her work had long been recognized and she had been made a founder-councillor of the London county council in 1899 , Emma Cons was approaching a breakdown caused by overwork , not only at the theatre but in all her other housing and philanthropic efforts ( she was also vice-president of the London Society for Women 's Suffrage , an executive member of the Women 's Liberal Foundations , and a founder of the Women 's Horticultural College at Swanley ) .
6 ‘ But do n't you think Sunil might have been in danger had it been realised that he had the run of the Admiral 's computer ? ’
7 We can not say what the outcome of a meeting of the Defence Committee might have been , or whether the course of events would have been altered if it had met in September 1981 ; but , in our view , it could have been advantageous , and fully in line with Whitehall practice , for Ministers to have reviewed collectively at that time , or in the months immediately ahead , the current negotiating position ; the implications of the conflict between the attitudes of the Islanders and the aims of the Junta ; and the longer-term policy options in relation to the dispute .
8 Goodman tried to find out by demanding to know how many refugee children had been baptised since they had arrived in this country .
9 The cautions referred to had been given and he had been questioned months earlier on the first charges .
10 Always he felt sick when he ate , but he had been taught and he had learned , and his eyes squinted shut and he swallowed .
11 Of the five potential transplant candidates who had not been referred and who had died , two suffered hepatocellular carcinoma ( diagnosed during routine monitoring in both instances , one with no further imaging , one with imaging showing tumour localised to the liver ) and three had cryptogenic cirrhosis ( one of these three patients was referred to a regional unit but not to a transplant unit ) .
12 Doctors performing illegal abortions and their assistants would have faced up to two years in prison , although the woman undergoing an abortion would not have been punished unless she had performed it herself .
13 A certain gentleman might have been punished if somebody had passed by and seen them . ’
14 I looked up the authentic sources ; the Comte de Horne turned out not to be an illegitimate son of Louis XV ; the marriage had been consummated and he had died of indigestion .
15 Her fingers closed round the small bottle of sleeping tablets Dana had been prescribed when she had stayed with Claudia after a bout of flu .
16 There had been a tremendous hash made of one contract by her predecessor , it was true , but that had all but been completed when it had landed on her desk , so there was no way she could be held to account for it .
17 However , the authors qualify their findings by pointing out that the group of exposed women was , in fact , only presumed to have been exposed since they had been selected by a computer matching of topical tretinoin prescriptions to pregnant women 3–4 months after their estimated dates of conception .
18 He had left the money with his sister but had been caught after she had handed it into the police .
19 The problem with my files would have been solved if I had been using an IBM machine — but they were way beyond my price range when I bought my first computer .
20 The injuries which had been forgotten when he had levelled his furious accusations .
21 Crook in particular was anxious to leave the ground floor flat because his windows had been smashed and he had been attacked .
22 Camille walked down a sleazy stretch of road , where half the shops were closing as the developers quadrupled the rents , and bought herself an ice-cream to take away the taste of margaritas : it was already midday , so she had only an hour or two before she could go home , claiming that her games lesson had been cancelled because someone had felled the netball posts .
23 There was a kind of tension that perhaps could have been alleviated if they had a couple more people with them , ’ he says .
24 She has just managed to scuttle out of its way as it slammed down next to her , but the tip of one of her legs had been trapped and she had been forced to sever it and leave it behind .
25 In some places the topsoil had been eroded and we had to zigzag up on loose scree .
26 Her feelings had been mixed when she had seen who it was climbing out of the taxi .
27 This magic had been happening while they had been closeted with the policeman discussing the prosaic and sordid details of the burglary .
28 A lot must have been happening while he had slept .
29 Once , in a very bad patch , Jasper had been like that for weeks , over a month , and she had lived in terror for the knock of the police at the door , and news about Jasper she had been dreading since she had first met him .
30 The submarine , which was eventually to provide the best means of delivering the torpedo , was still an infant ; only one or two curious submersible craft had been built and they had not yet affected naval thinking .
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