Example sentences of "been [verb] [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That decision was the second major controversy of Hunt 's extraordinary year : this time not just Ferrari but many others felt that the race had been stopped to give Hunt time to repair his car , an argument given plausibility by the fact that Lauda had made his way out of the trouble and was clearly leading the race when it stopped .
2 Mr Midgley said the spillage had been traced to near Lartington treatment works , but there were no reports of wildlife or fish being affected .
3 A considerable amount of research has been undertaken to apply GIS methods to evacuation scenarios around hazardous sites .
4 In recent years considerable research has been undertaken to build computer models of asset performance and returns and their correlation with liabilities .
5 Most of these had been producing un-hinted PostScript fonts for some time but they now all had the tools to create the all-important encrypted Type 1 fonts and had licenses to produce PostScript typesetters .
6 The University of Stirling has been validated to run SCOTVEC modules as is currently offering modules in Italian and Spanish through its Continuing Education Department .
7 Matches have been arranged to meet TV schedules .
8 However , the domestic staffing levels overall had originally been calculated using room areas as an indicator of workload , confirming the validity of this information in terms of the wider system , although not related to the EPH activities .
9 It is worth emphasizing that , as Colin Renfrew noted in the context of early metallurgy in the Balkans , technology itself has not invariably been developed to serve material ends .
10 TESTS that detect pesticide-resistant insects have been developed to help tackle malaria and a range of other tropical diseases .
11 Other techniques have been developed to enhance bile duct clearance including mechanical lithotripsy , electrohydraulic lithotripsy , chemical dissolution using methylterbutylether through a biliary catheter , extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy and laser fragmentation .
12 Schools minister Michael Fallon said permission had been given to expand St Bede 's from the beginning of the next financial year , which starts today .
13 It would have been puzzling had Anthony Quayle not been disturbed .
14 A request had been received to have bus tokens supplied by the city council in the village , each week , instead of having to travel to New Alresford or Winchester .
15 They had , these dastardly ‘ Poles ’ , been caught committing terror acts and killed by brave SS units in the ensuing battle .
16 In recent years it has been modified to reduce labour costs and increase profits through the use of machinery , fertilizers , and chemicals .
17 The response to parental discontent and pupil underachievement has been to try to design curriculum guidelines .
18 Nor is Stephen Wall , the Foreign Office man who has been picked to replace Sir Charles Powell as the foreign-affairs adviser at Number Ten .
19 These have included central vacuum cleaning systems in our mills , noise and dust abatement systems , and at , an air to water scrubber has been installed to reduce odour emissions .
20 Close circuit television coverage has been extended to the main exhibition areas and cameras have been installed to cover exit doors from the Florence Terrace and on the Weymouth Street frontage .
21 In addition , thiazide diuretics have been reported to inhibit phosphodiesterase activity ( Senft et al , 1966 ) resulting in elevated cyclic 3 , 5-adenosine monophosphate levels which in turn might stimulate lipolysis in fat tissue ( Himms-Hagen , 1972 ) .
22 Virtually all of those currently available have been reported to cause liver damage which can range from minor transient abnormalities in liver function tests to fulminant hepatic necrosis .
23 Dexamethasone has also been reported to suppress leukotriene activity in vitro although we found no effect of low dose prednisolone in this study .
24 Although , extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy with adjuvant bile acid therapy has been reported to produce stone clearance in 91% of patients at 12–18 months after stone fragmentation , 83% of these patients had solitary stones .
25 Antibody to DD9-E7 has been reported to have 100% sensitivity for adenocarcinomas of the exocrine pancreas .
26 He had been tipped to replace Roker boss Malcolm Crosby , but insisted : ‘ I have no intention of leaving Leicester .
27 The increased expression of the colon antigen on target cells by IFN-γ treatment might have been expected to enhance anticolon ADCC activity , but there was no significant difference in the colon antigen expression tested by anticolon antibody positive serum samples between the IFN-γ treated and untreated target cells .
28 They had been expected to supervise school meals , to distribute milk , to be responsible for children at lunch times .
29 This increase is particularly impressive since the decline in marriage rates in the 1970s would have been expected to reduce household formation among young people , since historically young married couples have tended to set up their own households , and young single people to remain with their parents .
30 A special modification of the laterolog tool has been designed to eliminate Groningen effect , though unfortunately at the expense of reducing the depth of investigation and increasing the sensitivity to shoulder resistivity .
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