Example sentences of "have never been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 According to Moore , banks have never been particularly reluctant to back high technology ventures .
2 But in practice structuralist poetics have never been particularly interested in establishing the specificity of literature .
3 Punch jokes have never been tremendously funny , but one particular line , ‘ Fostering prices start from just £14.95 ’ , strikes me as quite droll .
4 After the verdict she still insisted : ‘ I have never been improperly involved with him . ’
5 It is apparent that trade unions in agriculture have never been sufficiently strong to raise wages beyond that level which the labour market has already determined .
6 Their minds have never been sufficiently clear of the substance or process of addiction to be in any significant degree of recovery .
7 Please give me some hope , ’ he urged , ‘ because , apart from the certainty in my heart that miluji të , I have never been so uncertain , so apprehensive at any time in my life . ’
8 ‘ I have never been so fortunate . ’
9 Public tastes and current architecture have never been so much at odds .
10 ‘ We have recently moved to this village and I have never been so bored in all my life .
11 I was nervous in the dressing room but once on the pitch and with the thrill of being presented to the Princess Royal it felt just great and I have never been so proud in my life , especially when I saw my sister , Kirsty , up in the stand .
12 ‘ I have never been so close to resigning from the force , ’ Morton said slowly .
13 She declares , ‘ I am a nun now , I have never been so pure . ’
14 And in any case I am so angry — I have never been so angry ! — I am prepared to commit suicide if it would mean the end of your career !
15 ‘ I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life , ’ I said , ‘ nor so surprised . ’
16 For all that England are the only European nation not to concede a goal in the qualifying tournament , it is no exaggeration to suggest they have never been so ill-equipped for the persistent rigours of a World Cup .
17 John I bet you have never been so quiet .
18 I have never been so happy in my life and I know that it will go on for ever .
19 I have never been so happy .
20 Remember British living standards have never been so high . ’
21 Kiltmakers have never been so popular with men who are not members of pipe bands .
22 I have never been so scared in my life .
23 Yes houses have never been so affordable , but confidence equally , has never been so low .
24 Many geographers have never been deeply concerned with ultimate objectives of social character , and some would sincerely regard efforts to provide directives for human action as presumptuous and arrogant .
25 Try as they might , the City 's denizens have never been as colourful and flamboyant as those who set out to make crime a career rather than just a sideline .
26 Perhaps the standards of civic loyalty and respect for law and order have never been as high as conservative romantics affected to believe .
27 I have said nothing to anyone so far because I have never been quite sure how much it might affect Mr. Andrew .
28 Although crowds mean money , the rulers of cricket have never been quite happy about them .
29 It is a fickle , too-short season and for much of this century the Soviet Union 's granaries have never been quite full enough for domestic and political comfort .
30 To Mauriac 's lesson in Gaullist orthodoxy , de Gaulle replied : " Politics have never been less inviting than at this moment .
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