Example sentences of "have never been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That is not to say that I have n't met some canny little folk , but generally I do n't speak their language because I have never been used to them .
2 Environmental concerns have never been higher on the shopping list .
3 Most children who suffer from day wetting have primary enuresis , that is they have never been dry by day .
4 Birds have never been one of my major interests , I need hardly say .
5 If you have never been involved in any of the activities listed above then DO N'T …
6 Yeah I have never been involved in a one world week event at St Michael 's .
7 For those who have never been involved in the arts the exchange offers a wide range of opportunities to invest money with the aim of obtaining hard currency under a transfer deal system .
8 Most of them have never been involved in politics before , though all of them are Labour voters .
9 Erm I have to say that most of the people that come to us have never been involved in advertising .
10 Every year companies that have never been involved in selling abroad join the important , and often highly profitable , league of exporters or licensors and some even establish joint ventures or subsidiary companies in overseas countries .
11 As a result of improved communications in every sense — be they electronic communications , our airports or any other form of communication — the regions of this country have never been closer to London than they are today .
12 A general reading of the book encourages the suspicion that the principle of verification is being used , not simply to exclude some clear and obvious errors , but to cut out swathes of philosophical tradition that have never been guilty of the crude misconceptions of which they are accused by Ayer .
13 , the Alberney units erm , have never been successful since the time they were , they were constructed .
14 The Wonder Stuff come from Stourbridge , in the West Midlands , and have never been shy about saying so .
15 But then , city dwellers have never been long on modesty .
16 Greeks have never been good at the plodding job , even in their classical prime ; Demosthenes was not the only one to complain of that .
17 In the past 300 years alone , the nation has experienced industrialization , the advent of democracy , and the introduction and growth of the welfare state — yet the changes have never been such as to be described as revolutionary .
18 I have never been competent in an emergency , and time was lost as I tried to figure out whether to dial 999 , or 9 for an outside line then 999 .
19 I have never been clearer in my wits .
20 But although we are almost close neighbours , communication between the two island groups have never been easy until comparatively recently .
21 I have never been further from suicide in my life , though I imagine my friends would find it quite opportune .
22 Apart from creating a catastrophe point where an extra per cent of votes can theoretically send a party from 15 to 66 per cent of the council ( the French have never been comfortable with simple democracy ) this , also theoretically , gives minority parties a voice .
23 I have never been frightened of the press .
24 In practice this second exception is unimportant because bearer securities have never been popular with English investors or English companies and are rarely issued and hardly ever in respect of shares , as opposed to bearer bonds , ( i.e. debentures ) which are sometimes issued to attract Continental investors who have a traditional liking for securities in bearer form .
25 As I have never been interested in argument , he must often have felt frustrated by my silences , my refusal to rise to the bait .
26 Ldc ( less developed country ) borrowers have never been active in the international bond markets , as they lack the required credit quality and/or reputation .
27 Willses have never been ashamed of their religious faith , and the disabilities which they suffered in the past as Nonconformists served to strengthen their convictions .
28 The military regimes in power have never been averse to arresting leaders of the political opposition , but only in recent years has this become a systematic practice .
29 I have never been happy with the way I look .
30 I 've had perms in the past but have never been happy with them — they are always too curly .
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