Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 TRADERS in Dungannon have been warned to be on the lookout for counterfeit £20 notes after ten forgeries were passed in business premises in the town .
2 SHOPPERS have been warned to be extremely careful about buying cheap goods after dangerous chemicals were found in packets of household washing powder .
3 Employees of oil companies in the city have been warned to be on the alert for anyone acting suspiciously near their offices .
4 Section 33 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 , even if it applies to composite rate tax , is not applicable for a number of reasons , not least that no valid assessment could be made under an invalid regulation , that no assessment was in fact made and that , even if made , the assessment could not on the facts of the present case have been said to be ‘ excessive by reason of some error or mistake in a return : ’ section 33(1) .
5 In Britain various landforms have been said to be exhumed from beneath a covering of Triassic sediments .
6 The following are some of the features that have been said to be characteristic of primitive societies .
7 ‘ The one consolation is that my husband Samuel and David and I have been invited to be in the audience when Go For It is filmed .
8 However , in the past , many observations have been recognized to be valid before any rational or logical explanation could be advanced to account for them .
9 ‘ Because I have been born in England , I have been taught to be independent , original and to think for myself .
10 It is worth mentioning , however , that it is not always the nasal pathways that have been observed to be superior ( Neill , Sampson and Gribben , 1971 ) and that naso-temporal differences have sometimes been observed for one eye but not for the other ( Overton and Weiner , 1966 ; Markowitz and Weitzman , 1969 ; Beaton , 1977 ; 1979a ) .
11 Such focal points have been aligned to be both clearly seen from the house and as elements of surprise when walking through the garden , an essential element of any good design .
12 The implication is that the R , D and D or centre-periphery model had been wrongly conceived in its application to education , because it was premised on the possibly mistaken view that people are rational beings who will implement ideas that have been demonstrated to be effective .
13 Heparan sulphate proteoglycan , laminin , and collagen have all been shown to be linked across cell membranes to cytoskeletal elements , and cytoskeletal proteins have been demonstrated to be condensed at cell-cell and cell-matrix interfaces .
14 First , the magnetic storage formats which are fundamental to computing have been demonstrated to be inherently unstable .
15 Families have been felt to be rigid , narrow , and highly constraining institutions which repress the individual and stop the development of his or her individuality .
16 If the defendants should succeed in such an application , upon the ground that a verdict and judgment for libel in favour of the council , as a local government authority , would constitute a breach of article 10 , it would be for this country to decide whether to leave the law as it would , on that hypothesis , have been declared to be , or to change it to avoid the risk of repetition .
17 Previously , the ages given by kimberlite-derived zircons ( mostly megacrysts ) have been assumed to be reset to the time of eruption and cooling .
18 Many have accused schools of trying to prop up ailing churches and fill empty pews , and Christian teachers in particular have been assumed to be heavily biased , teaching for commitment to their particular brand of religion and intolerant towards other religions and other world views .
19 The second bid issue is the careers service branch development fund which is the one that 's available every year , but we originally had Jane 's project , the F E project and so , erm now this year the bids have been asked to be on certain subject areas .
20 The world is in turmoil with civil strife and stress ; as Christ 's followers , we have been called to be peacemakers , and so we pray for peace in God 's world .
21 In the last few decades , however , the simple atoms of the early atomic theories have been discovered to be much more complex than was originally thought , and physicists are continually finding more and more sub-atomic particles .
22 Working arrangements regarding accountability , pay , legal indemnity and insurance have been begun to be addressed during the pilot courses .
23 The allergens produced by House Dust Mites have been proven to be dangerous ‘ triggers ’ especially for Asthma attacks and allergic Rhinitis ( nasal congestion without a ‘ cold ’ ) and even in cases of Eczema .
24 Dyed Glassfish have been proven to be susceptible to Lymphocystis and the white marks may not in fact have been white spot .
25 Modules will only follow a process model if they have been defined to be of that particular model subtype via the MODULE-SUB-TYPE-IS keyword in the module header .
26 These lines , said Tolkien , ‘ have been held to be the finest expression of the northern heroic spirit , Norse or English ; the clearest statement of the doctrine of uttermost endurance in the service of indomitable will ’ .
27 Examples which have been held to be ‘ driving ’ which do not readily fall within the above definition include :
28 The following have been held to be contempts of Parliament : 1 .
29 Newspaper articles criticising M.P.s have been held to be a contempt .
30 Some have been held to be sources of knowledge .
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