Example sentences of "have been [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One thousand buildings have been constructed to these standards at costs of one per cent more but with a resulting 40 per cent cut in heating bills .
2 Collars equipped with radio transmitters , developed by the University of Leiden in the Netherlands , have been fitted to four elephants in different herds , allowing scientists to follow the movements of the herds .
3 If they have been fitted to these new Foxbats , then the aircraft would have a potential complement of 6 to 8 AAMs in place of the current 4 … on top of its two wing-mounted 23mm electric cannon .
4 DUNDEE UNITED have been invited to Central America to face Costa Rica , the dark horses in Scotland 's group in the World Cup finals .
5 The aims of the initiative have been explained to 1,000 officers of all ranks in a series of briefings .
6 Those that wanted little more than routine audits have been redirected to other firms , allowing Robson Rhodes to concentrate on those with which it felt it could build a long-term relationship as ‘ a business counsellor ’ .
7 The epitopes for several monoclonal antibodies raised against human CD2 have been mapped to three discrete regions .
8 In recent years several British ensembles have begun to draw upon an ‘ exotic ’ instrumentarium of this kind once again , but they have been marginalized to some degree .
9 Up to now , objects have been related to external contextual dimensions in an unmediated form , without consideration of their internal organization .
10 In broad terms , the shifts of emphasis have been related to two central themes : first , that notions of reading comprehension must take greater account of what is going on in the mind of the reader , and second , that methods of text analysis must take greater account of what is going on beyond the sentence boundary .
11 Improved handling has resulted from a series of innovations most of which have been related to aerodynamic efficiency .
12 These changes have been related to volcanic activity in this eruptive neighbourhood .
13 As far as I know , the only suggestions that have been put forward as a possible cure for this problem have been related to dietary deficiencies .
14 From the moment of their birth my children have been exposed to non-sexist parenting .
15 Personality disorder is the parental diagnosis most associated with emotional and behavioural disorders in children , particularly when they have been exposed to hostile behaviour .
16 Storage is one stumbling block , hooks quickly deteriorate once they have been exposed to saltwater spray .
17 A great remedy in croup for sensitive children who have been exposed to cold air or dry cold winds and have come down with croup the following morning ( see also Aconite and Spongia particularly ) ; worse ( < ) morning and evening .
18 Such terrors are more likely to affect foals and yearlings because they have been exposed to fewer objects and experiences .
19 Your application was one of a number which were recommended only in reduced form , by following the committee decision the costs have been raised to those in your original application .
20 Causal path diagrams have been extended to three variables to show how the factors are hypothesized to interrelate ; these diagrams are useful because they force explicit decisions to be made about the causal order of the variables , and lessen the risk that the analyst will control for the wrong variables .
21 First , it has dismissed a number of head teachers appointed by the Sandinistas , and teachers who have objected to changes being made by the government have been transferred to other schools .
22 Three of the rarest lichens in the Brecklands are suffering from factors such as acid rain , nitrate pollution and conifer invasion , and specimens have been transferred to other sites , where they are thriving .
23 Most of the animals seized have been transferred to other farms in Gloucestershire where many have fully recovered .
24 Such information is of greater intelligence importance than the photographs of IRA suspects , usually given the lowest levels of security classification , which have been leaked to various newspapers in recent weeks , triggering a political row and a big police investigation .
25 So long as the documents have been sent to all those entitled to attend a general meeting in accordance with section 238 , it is a pointless farce to require a formal general meeting to be held in order that they may be ‘ laid ’ unless a member wants to raise questions about them at a meeting , or the auditors want to have an opportunity of talking to the members about them .
26 Copies of both publications have been sent to all centres .
27 Copies of the leaflet have been sent to all secondary schools in Scotland , district and regional councils , local sports councils , governing bodies of sport and other youth organisations .
28 Copies of the digest have been sent to all district councils , district sports councils and sports development groups and I am sending copies to governing bodies for information in the hope that the governing body itself or your district associations might become involved in the local planning process .
29 Le Parisien claims that warnings have been sent to all nuclear establishments to guard against infiltration .
30 Invitations have been sent to 3,000 businesses asking them to the conference which is backed by the Health and Safety Executive and County Durham Training and Enterprise Council .
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