Example sentences of "have n't be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er two bedrooms , it was a number sixty six Street in those days , there were new houses built on where it is now , I have n't been into Palfry for years but er there were five houses in the row , there was a family named at one end , there was us my nan of course we were next to , next to us was Mrs , a Mr and Mrs , and then er that was one side of the entry the other side of the entry was a family named , they had quite a large family , there was er two or three of those married Mrs and then er then Mrs they were all relatives , cos there was no such thing as overcrowding in those days you got as many in as you could you see , there was , another was Mr and Mrs she was a daughter of Mrs there was Mrs and Mrs she was another daughter of Mrs , and then er there were , there was a , a young man he was a son of Mrs , the were I think show people originally cos they were a bit anyhow there were five houses down the yard we had n't got running water in the sink , we had a , a big stone pump pipe in at the bottom of the entry we all had to go and draw out our own drinking water from this one standpipe .
2 But I saw , I went into town yesterday , have n't been into town and I saw er , I 'm just going up past the job centre I had to go to council about me money and I thought well I suppose I ought to make an effort and look in the job centre cos I , I ai n't done because I 've been in catering all the while
3 No , I have n't been into York yet , I 'm on my way , I live near Harrogate .
4 we have n't been since Sunday dinner have we ?
5 did , did have and I 'll still say the only reason we have n't been at war with them is because of the army , arm
6 Most of my friends have n't been outside Australia , let alone been all over the world .
7 She said no she said we have n't been for ages .
8 Kathy made two cups of tea and said firmly , ‘ You are n't yourself , Clare , and you have n't been for months . ’
9 But we have n't been for months .
10 He 's really upset because we have n't been to Devon .
11 I have n't been to Paris since er ooh a long time a whe last time I went there I was on honeymoon so that 's a few years ago .
12 ‘ I have n't been to bed yet , ’ he said , not taking the question any way at all .
13 I mean I have n't been to Guildford for oh god I do n't know when I think probably with you the last time I went to Guildford .
14 If you have n't been to Greece before , Corfu is the perfect place to start .
15 You have n't been to France then ?
16 No have n't been to France .
17 ‘ You have n't been to school , ’ said Rachaela .
18 Well I do n't know whether you go home from boarding school , you probably just have a day off , I do n't know , I have n't been to boarding school .
19 ‘ No ; I have n't been to Durham Cathedral . ’
20 Yes , but I have n't been to work today .
21 For those who have n't been to Versailles for many years , there is now much more to see .
22 Well , I was actually im , very impressed with the Underground cos I do , I have n't been to Euston before and the Underground is really I mean , it 's modern but it 's clean and it 's actually
23 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
24 I have n't been to Hong Kong to see Ben
25 Well I have n't been to Barton
26 That 's right yes and erm it was all er , now it is more , more mechanized , but still , they 're still , I do n't know whether they still do it cos I have n't been around Squires I do n't know whether they 'd do casting now , I have n't been down around for years and years , when I erm when I left and then I went into the leather trade and er started to learn leather cutting
27 Not after you have n't been in school all week .
28 You have n't been in London for months , so it must be someone from round here .
29 I have n't been in wards for about twenty two years .
30 ‘ Do n't assume I have n't been in Scotland .
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