Example sentences of "have a [noun] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 Have a go cos you 're doing brilliantly , just write it there ,
2 What you want to go interfering for she burst out , leave me and my family alone , little busy body always sticking your nose into other people 's affairs , Daryl 's temper flared up , I do n't she said , you gua rd your tongue Sally , I never meant to interfere and I ca n't think what all the fuss is about , either you have a sister or you have n't , I do n't care .
3 On the hour the news and weather , and we 'd like to hear from you this afternoon cos we have a phone-in and you can take part and have a chat on the air .
4 If you have a cat and you let it walk around the countryside rather than confine it in your house ; what is the consequence ?
5 Also , if you have a cat and you want to let it out , you could at least provided some sort of warning for the prey , so that the prey has a better chance of escaping ; such as a bell around the neck for example .
6 Make no mistake , the odds are stacked against you , but you still have a chance if you play your cards right .
7 That 's if you have a bed when you go back !
8 Well you do n't have to have a studio , you have a choice when you book it
9 Erm , for fun , you have a story and you 're allowed to play
10 ‘ Emily and me can take care of the shop ; you have a rest while you can — you look quite washed out .
11 have a dream if you do n't have a dream how you gon na have a dream come true ?
12 Have a look before you bite it .
13 So if you have a look and you ca n't see that needle .
14 you have a look when you go up
15 yeah , come round and have a look if you want to , come and stand up here close if you want
16 But then that question was asked last night erm from one chap about sport versus the arts and I suppose to me it is a quality of life issue erm where do you start an and stop I mean you have a problem when you have a recession do n't you , where you say okay we i we are in a recession we have got limited resources we have to make decisions .
17 If you have a problem and you are getting nowhere yourself , do not continue to struggle on alone , but seek advice , either from a training club or from a Rottweiler club .
18 Have a sleep if you want . ’
19 because , you come back here and all the Scottish women were vast and they lost their figure 's and it was just sort of almost taken for granted that you have a baby and you loose your figure , but you do n't mind because you 've got the children .
20 You have a bath after you 've had your tea and then you go to bed .
21 You always have a bath when you
22 This is Come 's style : why have a drama when you can always settle for a crisis ?
23 You have a job and you do the things that kin a er , inspire you to go on , you know , you know with er any other opportunity .
24 Other examples might include a routine car journey , when you have a feeling that you should fill up with petrol before the tank is empty .
25 ‘ I have a feeling that you have heard something else .
26 But er , I have a feeling that you two might be able to work better .
27 Just have a game when you go round Sainsburys .
28 Come on let's go oh goodness yeah have a game if you like
29 Yeah , have a game if you like
30 If you have a family that you care for , and your job is to be a carer , do you spend any time on yourself ?
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