Example sentences of "have be [adj] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Each in his time has painted over the inheritance of his predecessor , but the Oak Leaf camps have remained because they have been necessary for each new Czar 's survival .
2 Rumours of cutbacks at the factory have been rife for some time .
3 It is a good idea to tell children that all these have been domesticated for many hundreds of years in the service of man , for meat , milk , hide , skins , wool and eggs .
4 Data base systems have been available for many years and were developed to make efficient use of secondary storage devices in large computer installations .
5 Synthetic brushes have been available for some time and seemed to be the ideal solution , but in the past brushes could be too soft to control well , or too hard to be fully responsive , limiting paint delivery and with little spring , performing as a poor cousin to natural hair and bristle .
6 The standard gauge ( SK840 ) and Chunky ( SK890 ) models have been available for some time .
7 ACT ! , developed by Contact Software , is both the US 's and the UK 's best selling contact software package , and PC and network variants tailored to the UK have been available for some time .
8 Economists and economic historians have been interested in measuring poverty and wealth on a per capita basis for some time , and such data have been available for some of the advanced industrial countries for many years .
9 Although we have been playing teams which have been going through crap periods , I think this has worked against us as all the opposition players and fans etc have been desperate for some sort of result .
10 ‘ A number of invitations have been outstanding for some time , and people just chose to take them up at this stage , ’ one said .
11 ‘ The fact is , Mr Stevens , all the Chinamen in this house have been dirty for some time !
12 For this reason I have been convinced for some months that interest rates are too high and that they should start to be reduced at once .
13 Transplants of the whole pancreas have been successful for some severely ill patients , however , they need to take powerful drugs for life to stop rejection of the organ .
14 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
15 In addition to the traditional vented system , it is now permissible to have an unvented hot water storage system , which does away with the cold water cistern altogether and has other advantages ( see page 58 for details ) ; sealed central heating systems ( which do away with the feed-and-expansion cistern ) have been legal for some time .
16 There are 5,733 empty council houses , almost 2,000 of which have been empty for more than a year .
17 A third of its beds have been empty for several years .
18 Nearly one million people have been JOBLESS for more than a year and personal BANKRUPTCIES soared by a third to more than 16,000 in the six months to June .
19 Local people there have been worried for some time about safety factors which affect the tunnel .
20 But almost all the men and women in your Home have been active for most of their lives .
21 Rents linked to the tenant 's turnover have been common for many years , particularly in mining leases .
22 Does the Minister recognise that those of us who are friends of Kenya have been concerned for some time that that country has been slipping from the flagship position of good and open government in Africa ?
23 This is particularly true for those with multiple symptoms who have been ill for many years .
24 The Government have been responsible for much of the secrecy surrounding many of their policies .
25 Conservative Governments have been responsible for all major environmental legislation .
26 As will be seen in Chapter 6 , however , some of these isolates have been responsible for many of the revolutionary advances in scientific knowledge .
27 The research project will investigate these evolving patterns in a life course context to describe the experiences of different groups over time , and to attempt to explain the factors which have been responsible for these changes .
28 Behind the scenes at London Zoo , staff have been responsible for some notable breeding achievements among rare and endangered species .
29 If you have been sedentary for some time and are not used to physical exertion , then you should begin slowly , walking for no more than 20 minutes every other day , at a pace which stretches you but does not overtire you .
30 The fact is , sir , that I have been alone for several years now .
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