Example sentences of "have be [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the past 150 years our politicians have been droning on about the need to train the British worker to the level of the German , oblivious to the somewhat obvious fact that we are not Germans so can not be expected to behave like them .
2 Since then , new benefits have been bolted on to Beveridge 's structure and some of these have compounded the ageism of the system .
3 The group claims more than 150 monkeys like this have been experimented on at Oxford University .
4 ‘ Businesses which have been clinging on for months are now going over the edge . ’
5 Liverpool have been holding on since November 9 for news of the left-sided 22-year-old while government officials check to see if there are any objections from the FA or Players ' Union .
6 Two square escutcheon plates , each incised with a cross , have been riveted on to the surface above and below the keyhole .
7 Some of these topics have been touched on in S1 and S2 but receive a fuller treatment in the Standard Grade course .
8 Some of these are included in the Sixth Five Year Plan , and some of which have been tacked on to ad hoc annual plans .
9 MORE than 500 Chinese who wanted to be smuggled into the United States have been moved on to an American base in the Marshall Islands after a six-week voyage from Hong Kong , the US Coast Guard said yesterday .
10 But wherever they end up , there 's a good chance they 'll be moved on again in the next few weeks — 28 groups have been moved on in the last 18 months and the County Council is moving on another group from Kirtlington , north of Oxford tomorrow .
11 The angle between the models is in this case preserved , indicating that they have been operated on as if they were a single model rotating about the origin .
12 Sixty dead or dying dolphins have been washed on up beaches in southern Italy in July , raising fears of a recurrence of the viral epidemic which killed hundreds of Mediterranean dolphins in 1990 .
13 Lord Rix farce actor Brian Rix has accused them of not fighting back , saying : ‘ We rush like lemmings to the water 's edge , devising fatuous so-called policies … which are feeble attempts to cover up the fact that we have been defecated on from a great height . ’
14 ‘ It should be stressed that no debts arising from non–payment of the community Charge have been added on to the Council Tax bills . ’
15 Other events have been laid on for the old-timers , including a tour on Wednesday of Craigantlet hillclimb , one of the oldest events in the British championship , and an autotest at Ballywalter on Thursday afternoon .
16 Discussions over the need for increased powers for the Scottish party were initiated by its nationalist wing but have been seized on by the left as a means of ensuring that Labour 's different electoral aims north and south of the Border do not lead to alienation of the party 's traditional supporters in Scotland .
17 today the two counties have been playing on in the championship and here 's how it finished … they tried hard to get a result but rain stopped play … and the game ended in a draw …
18 Despite the protective embrace of professionalism and the general mutuality of respect and acceptance that pertains between disciplines , the academic teacher of literature is in a peculiar position in relation to his colleagues elsewhere , in ways that have been remarked on by John Bayley and Raymond Williams , and no doubt by others ; in certain respects English does remain an essentially different subject .
19 It contains the first detailed plans for the Himalayas , which all the big names in the business have been working on for years .
20 Borders Regional Council also believes the new fishing dimension in the funding rules , given the fishing industry at Eyemouth , will strengthen the case for access to rural development to finance which they have been working on with Scottish Borders Enterprise for several years .
21 These and similar questions have been forced on to the theological agenda by the way in which the modern western world has grown .
22 Is he not ashamed that so many children have been thrown on to the streets of Scotland while he has been Prime Minister ?
23 Sixty extra Scottish Office staff have been taken on for the agriculture department 's area offices , plus a further 30 at its Edinburgh headquarters .
24 This average conceals an important fact : many of the industries that tend to suffer most during recessions ( suppliers of consumer durables , transport and communications , for example ) have actually cut their debt-service burden since 1980 ; the biggest increases in debt service have been taken on by relatively stable industries ( such as producers of services and consumer non-durables ) .
25 Children have been taken on by the Institute and given trial periods .
26 Eighteen trainees have been taken on by BP Norway to gain practical experience on the Ula and Gyda fields .
27 Once graphics have been loaded on to the Working Area , the Studio facility is then used .
28 The avenues explored in applying neural computing to these three applications and the results from these have been reported on at the regular monthly Club meetings .
29 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
30 The Disability Alliance , Mencap and other disability groups are outraged at the way in which these four affirmative orders have been spatchcocked on to the normal debate .
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