Example sentences of "have always been [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first is a quote from Al Deere , one of the most famous Battle of Britain pilots : Fate is a strange master and I have always been a fatalist , — he should be a fatalist he has baled out nine times in his air-lighting life .
2 Macros have always been a core part of WordPerfect .
3 Gator 's been riding for Vision practically since the birth of the wheel , and thus his models have always been a Vision favourite .
4 Special tramway tours have always been a feature of the hobby , and the first was held at Blackpool by the Light Railway Transport League in 1938 .
5 Error and uncertainty have always been a feature of cartographic information .
6 Rivers have always been a dumping ground for man 's unwanted waste .
7 Sunday nights have always been a problem for the serious cinemagoer , since this is the night that brings out the lads whose parents do n't make them go to bed early before a fresh week at school begins .
8 Twitch bites have always been a problem , and the best answers have been to scale down tackle and bait to encourage a better bite , or to hover over the rod and attempt to strike and hit the twitch bite .
9 Mature students and those who do not receive the parental contribution towards their grant have always been a problem .
10 There have always been a minority of wealthy older people and a majority struggling to survive in poverty .
11 Such imaging centres have always been a part of the American scene , another reason why they are so much more advanced in their presentations technology than we are , but until very recently the only major European one was in Brussels .
12 The Conservatives , in contrast , have always been a party more accustomed to government and less interested in theories , but they have been equally class identified .
13 They have always been a club with potential , and that potential appears to have been realised this season .
14 Clothes , she says , have always been a passion .
15 ‘ Forest have always been a side who finish better than they start and they will grow stronger again as the season progresses .
16 Chimaeras have always been a source of some horror .
17 ‘ I told you there have always been a lot of unanswered questions about Louis .
18 ‘ There have always been a lot of politicians at Oxford .
19 This is not to say that the National Executive Committee of the ruling party allows Nyerere total control of the party and therefore of government policy ; in fact there have always been a number of important policy issues which Nyerere has had to argue through the NEC and which he has not always won .
20 ‘ I have always been an admirer of Dalglish as a player and a manager .
21 Perhaps this is because all these changes affected middle class feminists , and middle class feminists have always been an embarrassment to their radical sisters who feel the movement would be purer if all its adherents were working class or women of colour .
22 I have always been an outsider ; my epilepsy has prevented me from taking part in many normal pursuits such as drinking or dancing , and this has encouraged me to be an individualist in art .
23 As for the comment you attributed to me , that Britain has a budding romance with pressurised water reactor , I have always been an advocate of keeping government out of the bedroom and would , therefore , never have allowed such a comment to pass From my lips .
24 My favourite drum sounds have always been The Glitter Band 's so I thought it was silly not to try and track them down .
25 You know … as I do … that the Prussians have always been the warmongers .
26 There have always been the eccentrics and academics who have travelled the East only to return home to announce great spiritual discoveries .
27 Hence the Queens of Avelorn have always been the Everqueens of Ulthuan , forming an unbroken chain from ages past .
28 Microcomputers are accessible to individuals at home , to small businesses and to schools This means that the majority of microcomputers are used by people without specialised skills in computing Manufacturers of microcomputers and the writers of programs for them therefore design their products to be simple to use Mainframe and minicomputers , however , are extremely expensive and have always been the preserve of large organisations where specialist staff and trained computer operators are more readily available .
29 ‘ You have always been the soul of industry and cheerfulness .
30 It is they , after all , who have always been the symbols of their culture and traditionally it is at their slightest touch that the delicate flower of Izzat can shrivel .
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