Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eight properties have been completed as part of the first renovation phase .
2 Two important road improvements in Cleveland have been completed on schedule .
3 Although some projects have been completed within budget when cost control systems have been weak or , in some cases , non-existent , such projects are exceptional .
4 In his own interests the licence-holder , when structural alterations have been completed in compliance with an order , should intimate that fact to the clerk to the licensing board .
5 The difficulties experienced in designating Marine Nature Reserves have been exemplified by Skomer which was first proposed as a Marine Nature in 1982 , reached a formal consultative stage in 1986 , and is still being considered for designation by the Secretary of State for Wales in 1989 .
6 It becomes difficult then to adduce abstract principles which should have a life of their own , quite apart from whether they have been exemplified within history , which may be used to judge history .
7 The government estimates that 250,000 children have been deprived of education .
8 Working with children , I often find myself thinking that their young minds have been deprived of innocence , and usually a good deal of fun and happiness along with it .
9 However , only a few large companies — 25 of them — have been registered as software exporters with branch offices abroad .
10 COMMUTERS on Merseyside have been warned of disruption on the railway network over the weekend , as engineers carry out essential maintenance work on the Wirral line .
11 Two huntsmen have been cleared of ill-treating a horse by repeatedly striking it with a whip .
12 Fell and moorland have been cleared of bracken and heather in order to provide extra grassland and , most notoriously , the ‘ serried ranks ’ of conifers have marched across the hillsides .
13 Two detectives accused of altering a suspect 's statement to conceal the fact that he 'd been unlawfully arrested have been cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .
14 Much of the land has been used for squatter settlements for refugees from the fighting in Mozambique , while other parts have been cleared for banana plantations .
15 Some mangrove lands have been cleared for shrimp projects that never operated .
16 There has been a judicial inquiry into what happened , but many of my constituents are being subjected , once again , to serious allegations , although they have been cleared in court .
17 In the extreme case , there is no mobility of labour at all ( as in Jones , 1971b ) , and the implications of such immobility for the incidence of the corporation tax have been examined in Section 6–4 , where we saw that implies that the return to capital definitely falls ( relative to p y ) as a result of the tax .
18 The texts , which are generally agreed to have forged elements in them , have been examined in detail by several scholars , and there are only two preliminary remarks which need to be made .
19 The statistical correlation studies have been many and varied and they have been examined in detail by both Blaug and Bowman and there is no need to repeat the discussion here .
20 Studies defining the immediate 5' flanking sequences of class II MHC genes and their associated DNA-binding proteins ( 5-10 ) , as well as transgenic mouse models containing DNA constructs covering the promoter proximal sequences have been examined in detail by other groups ( 5,11-13 , ) .
21 All too frequently , as well , cemeteries have been examined in isolation from other components of the plan .
22 Doe Contracts , ( ) , is one company which has responded with ‘ enthusiasm ’ to the LTA initiative over acrylic surfaces , and has recently signed an agreement with GreenSet , a company whose product range includes the appropriately named Grand Prix acrylic and cushioned acrylic surfaces , 10,000 of which , ( acrylic ) , have been constructed to date in Europe .
23 Long-range restriction maps have been constructed in Xq21.3-Xq22 ( refs 22 , 23 and D.V. et al. , manuscript in preparation ) .
24 The excuses have been collected by community dieticians from Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust who have been busy spreading the word about the importance of healthy eating .
25 Many of the criticisms of Davis and Moore 's views have been based on evidence which indicates that no stratification system operates as their theory argues .
26 To date most stratification schemes have been based on exercise testing , Hotter recordings and coronary arteriography though a number of newer variables have been recently investigated .
27 All information relating to , and explanations of , the past financial results of the Group have been based upon information believed to be reliable .
28 The distributions of forest passerines in Africa show centres of endemism , centres of richness and disjunctions , which have been fitted to refugia theory , but close examination of the geographical ranges of subspecies of the Heliconiini and Ithominae groups of butterflies gives 44 centres of endemism in tropical America , though the two groups have very different ecological characteristics .
29 ‘ Obviously some of the locos at the Snowdon Mountain Railway have been fitted from time to time .
30 Two trips — to the site of the new Severn Bridge and to the Western Mail offices in Cardiff — have been arranged for South West region members .
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