Example sentences of "have [vb pp] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Welsh Water has dragged many old-age pensioners and under-privileged people through the courts of Wales because they have fallen down on the odd instalment on their water charges .
2 Her family have travelled down from the city to the Devon hospital where the attack happened .
3 As an overall thing we probably take about a hundred and fifty phone calls every day from policy holders , and I suppose out of that you I suppose you people that have n't erm have broken down at the side of the road will ring up or something .
4 Great imperial systems propelled by steam have broken down into a myriad nationalities propelled by the internal-combustion engine and oil .
5 So often the right tool for the job is hanging in the tool shed at home when you are helping a friend in his house , or have broken down in the car away from home .
6 The clouds have dropped down over the mountain so that the evangelicals and charismatics on the first contour above the town have vanished into the mist .
7 Oxford have dropped down into the bottom half of the table , after losing by 1-0 for the third match running .
8 the people that have left are sort of in the recession and that now , there 's all the really big business people and that that have come down to the same level as everybody else .
9 Past Gèdre , the landscape reverts again to its harsher , more primeval mode , as you drive through what is known as the Chaos de Coumély , a wilderness of massive boulders that have rolled down from the mountain on the left .
10 If you notice several exit holes in the galls but have found no adults , it is possible that the larvae have crawled down into the compost or soil before becoming pupae .
11 The clothing and electronics factories have closed down in the Northeast , and the shifts specially designed for mothers , the part-time and twilight , were the first to go .
12 Mr Farmer said : ‘ You have got down to the core of the problem .
13 For enforcement agents the consequences of reorganization , with its greater degree of bureaucratic control , have reached down to the field and begun to change the character of the job .
14 I like the way the lambs have settled down in the field have n't they ?
15 And the effects have rippled down through the years into just about every local music scene in America , from the blues players to the hillbillies up in the mountains . ’
16 Exports to China have slipped down to the 1987 levels after an artificial high in 1988 caused by the coincidence of a number of major orders .
17 In a move to tighten control of a far-reaching empire and to improve the group 's own image , Maurice and Charles Saatchi , credited with building up the company , have stepped down from the day-to-day running of the group .
18 But look a little more deeply and you will see that something else has happened too ; if a number of people have gone down with the cold , does not it mean that a number of people have not gone down with the cold ?
19 Sadly the opposition have gone down with the flu .
20 staff salaries have gone down over the last eighteen months
21 Can i do you want figures on commodities I think quite a lot of us are aware that coffee prices have gone down in the last ten years .
22 I like this , its been proved that waiting list have gone down in the last six months
23 On numerous occasions massive Orc armies have swept down from the north , destroying the towns and cities of Kislev and invading the northern provinces of the Empire .
24 Already , and it is hardly May , I have wandered down to the County Ground at Taunton to see old chums , and some not so old , and to see if I any longer belong .
25 Most businesses , including much of Hollywood , have shut down for the day .
26 Nicholson , who is being paid a handsome £5 million , is reported to have immersed himself so completely in the part that he wanders around the set mumbling the notorious Hoffa 's favourite phrases — even after the cameras have shut down for the night .
27 There are many topographical names which have lasted down to the present in a perfectly straightforward fashion ( the articles or toponymical qualifiers being dropped ) , such as Field , Bridge , Ford , Green , Lake , Lane , Orchard , Townsend , Gate and so on , but others are less obvious in their modern guises — Atwell and Attwood , Byfield and Byway are clear enough as examples in which the definite article has become assimilated , but others like Boveton = above town , and Binetheton — below town , are not so obvious at first sight , neither are Biart — dweller near the enclosure , Stanners = dweller at the stone house , or Leese = dweller by the pasture .
28 ‘ We would deny any suggestion we have backed down on an agreement .
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