Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 I guess they must have used all the NATO calibre ammo by now and have replenished with 5.56 mm weapons , either supplied by deserters in the Danuese battalions or captured .
2 I remind the House that traffic speeds in central London have fallen to 10 mph , which is no more than the speed of a horse and cart at the turn of the century .
3 I have heard of older people who will literally walk the second mile despite weary feet aching with bunions , in order to visit a good chiropodist .
4 This has been a source of satisfaction to the Computer Group , but has been due in part to the assistance we have received from many people .
5 Petrol sales at the pumps have dropped by fifteen percent — is that bad news for the government in terms of revenue ?
6 We have come across other species like you — the Cimliss , the Usurians , the Okk .
7 In Britain , I have come across two species in particular which do this — tree sparrows , using fresh beech leaves , and buzzards , using green-leaved twigs .
8 I have come across many people who have bought their binoculars from railway lost-property offices , though naturally one has to be doubly careful .
9 ( c ) Can you extend what you have said to other works by the same author , by other authors , or to other works of the same period ?
10 It is a sad comment on our society that the Government can not see what they have done to young people and can not see the relationship between what they have done and the crime rate .
11 The colour photos I have seen of this fish just do not do him justice .
12 Does he also admit that for the first time in the history of the national health service , waiting lists for day patients and in-patients combined have risen above 900,000 people ?
13 Further research has failed to turn up a single firm IBM Corp mainframe deal for this quarter anywhere across Europe , and the disk business is not going to save any IBM bacon either : word in leasing circles is that users are so averse to buying new disks that prices of used 3380Ks have risen by some 25% .
14 Such increases as have occurred in on-licence sales have tended to be in products such as lager , cider , wines and spirits , many of which we purchase from outside suppliers in the form of proprietary brands .
15 Fresh attitudes have breezed into big buck metal since Bon Jovi 's nine million seller , 1988 's ‘ New Jersey ’ .
16 They have acted as parliamentary cannon fodder for the ‘ black colonels ’ , Nikolai Petrushenko and Viktor Alksnis , who want a nationwide state of emergency .
17 3.5 In addition to this the Trade Union has very reluctantly accepted the principle of job cuts and by agreeing to accepting the deletion of New Technology Allowance for all new entrants have agreed to those staff suffering a wage cut .
18 we was engaged , oh I have talked to other people but we was engaged in making locks but most of the locks , well they did do a , er wardrobe locks , small cabinet locks , lever locks but one of the biggest kind of locks we di er made was the locks for car cars and vans which , in them days , was was fantastic because most of the car bodies was of wood , the , the , the , the framework was wood , so erm the locks er were three or four , four by five er seven by eight and selvedges on them fourteen inches long , er bolts er the , the bolt mechanism would be anything from five eighths to an inch in di er er square with a radius on the end erm th there was er there was the sidecar locks which were smaller erm that was the sort of locks they made .
19 The other is in the CUSTOMER section , where you can enter details of an invoice you have raised by other means .
20 TWO residential homes which for many years have cared for young people and the elderly are being closed by the Salvation Army .
21 South Africa and the US have experimented with similar works , but using coal as feedstock .
22 The technique that we have introduced for light aircraft groups will enable you to set up a reasonably accurate performance on most types in those groups , requiring the minimum of adjustment on individual aircraft .
23 After you have dealt with another series of confrontations around 4 and 5 April , you should begin to feel that it was all worthwhile , as you now know who to trust and what must be done to recoup your losses .
24 Erm , er , clearly if you 're a , a net importer of agriculture , you have benefited from other people 's protectionism .
25 They 're anthology pieces , piecing together things which have appeared in smaller works . ’
26 The pressures of racism have led to black people using dangerous skin bleaches , and having plastic surgery to change their features ; and to black children playing at miming peeling off their skin or pulling out their hair , in ‘ what I like/do n't like about myself games .
27 Some bream I have hooked have fought like big tench ; strong , powerful runs all the way to the net .
28 All of us who have worked with young people know that , in relation to pop music and sport , the impact of the event and the personality goes way beyond what one would expect .
29 That lessens the chance of profitability and alarms the banks that have insisted on these sales .
30 He says it never ceases to amaze me what people will steal and what you see here is a total cross section of prpety which people have acquired through dishonest means .
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