Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
2 Some relationships have already split up before girls realise that their periods have stopped or they feel a bit sick , and they discover they are well and truly pregnant .
3 Erm , we 've seen it also through the budget process , where all the way through , and it 's been a very open process , we have no alternative proposals from the Conservative group , they have complained and have criticized but they have offered no alternatives .
4 Meetings are , of course , an important part of work ; indeed some people have calculated that they spend at least 60 per cent of their time in meetings of one sort or another .
5 ‘ I have given and I have taken — and that is eternal .
6 However , do not do this until you have checked that you do not also need to increase GBLSECTIONS and/or GBLPAGES .
7 He said ‘ In future you 'll wear pyamas and Kamiz to school , and I have heard that you do n't cover your head , though you have been asked to .
8 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
9 ‘ I have heard that you play this game , ’ he said softly .
10 ‘ On this new album there 's one huge track called The Lighthouse , which a lot of people have heard because I 've been playing it on stage — an hour out of two and a half is this album .
11 Be that as it may , the intuitive reality of such structures is borne out also by the fact that generations of language teachers have recognized that they have a leading role to play in the initial stages of learning , because of what I have called their valency or combining power .
12 The prestige enjoyed by many of our primary schools , the way in which they are valued by the parent body , has been built upon the work of teachers who have realised that they have a role both within the school and outside it .
13 If you have realised that you resent a parent , living or dead , in some significant way , will you reassess your attitude towards them ?
14 On summer evenings rowers on the lake have claimed that they have heard far below them through the still waters the sound of church bells tolling .
15 Secondly , and perhaps most important , they have claimed that they do not want to hand over control of an income tax to what they perceive to be extremist Labour local authorities .
16 Trees in which birds have nested and which provide shade for cattle are also avoided , and trees that are unattractive or have fallen down by themselves are likewise unsuitable for icon making .
17 They have stressed that they love all their children .
18 I have stressed that we construct a context from the deixis of the text ( a context being the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of the utterance ) ; but the initial elements of the utterance must be more dense in terms of pragmatic activity .
19 From this will be deducted the amount that you have earned if you have found another job .
20 We 're seeing the end of a long period of Cold War which effectively the West have won because they have kept their defences up , er and I think as Tom King , he was out here last week , has said we need to keep a strong force here to make sure that the Soviets keep their side of the bargain and er start a withdrawal at some stage .
21 Although while making those allegations and telling their bar room stories the Government have added that they propose to respect their obligations under United Nations conventions , they have always followed that with attempts to make the nation 's flesh creep with the thought of the foreign hordes from whom an heroic Home Secretary is now protecting us .
22 I would stress that 's redundancy costs in respect of service that employees have accrued whilst they have been directly employed by you .
23 They have come because they like my music and I owe them everything .
24 Labour and Liberals spring from the same radical roots and their greatest moments have come when they cooperate : 1906 , 1945 , and their worst when they split evenly : the 1920s and 1980s .
25 As Chapman observed : ‘ Although I do not suggest that the Arsenal go on the defensive even for tactical purposes , I think it may be said that some of their best scoring chances have come when they have been driven back and then have broken away to strike suddenly and swiftly . ’
26 Perhaps you have noticed that they do n't seem to feel the same way about you .
27 It is time for certain philosophers to come and take a hard look at the data which we have collected before they dismiss our models and our philosophical assumptions so glibly .
28 Traditionally , psychologists have said that we cope with this by organising experienced stimuli into a limited number of categories or concepts .
29 We have said that we have never been committed — it is not something new — to paying the full fees , however high .
30 We have said that we recognise that high energy prices may have to play a part in a strategy for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
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