Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a whole body of knowledge has grown up around the uses of different types of crystal in healing and meditation , and we have seen from folklore that ancient people attributed value and properties to certain stones .
2 I know it 's going to be reviewed as a hostile book , because people have decided in advance that that is what it must be .
3 It must be moved from the receptor after they have connected in order that the receptor is not stimulated indefinitely .
4 So many porn stars have died from AIDS that producers now insist on safer-sex techniques in the making of videos .
5 Both sides have agreed in principle that if a divorce is pursued , the couple will retain joint custody with Fergie given day-to-day ‘ care and control ’ and Andrew unlimited access .
6 Now that the problem has been identified , federal and state health ministers have agreed in principle that this type of service should be a federal responsibility and discussions have started on the practicalities .
7 CNAA and SCOTVEC have agreed in principle that , where an institution wishes to propose a package of linked courses leading to awards of SCOTVEC and CNAA , it may ask to have the package jointly validated by SCOTVEC and by CNAA ( in the case of a CNAA associated institution ) or by SCOTVEC and by itself ( in the case of a CNAA accredited institution ) .
8 I am pleased to tell the House that Cambridgeshire health authority and the Ministry of Defence have agreed in principle that the health authority should buy the RAF hospital at Ely .
9 There are still wrinkles to be ironed out in the final terms of the merger — though the firms have agreed in principle that the merged company should be owned 50:50 .
10 Although we have gone over ground that we have gone over many times in the House , the debate has been extremely interesting .
11 We have assumed for simplicity that the public sector 's current spending of £5,000 million flows entirely into the industrial and commercial sector in return for goods and services .
12 While admitting that the Gray 's Inn Road site 's top five floors are a major worry , Mathews points out that they have taken into account that there will be no revenue from them until the end of the year .
13 I have discovered for example that the acute stress of being interviewed makes me sweat a lot , an afternoon of difficult telephone calls leaves me with lower back pain , while the run-down-at-the-end-of-a-long-hard-term kind of stress makes me irritable and forgetful .
14 Signs of the Pol Pot regime were evident everywhere , both physically , in the devastation of cities and countryside , and emotionally , in the memories of people who have lived through agony that is beyond human understanding :
15 ‘ We have established beyond doubt that current TV programmes do not satisfy their demands , apparently because the producers do not know what young people want , ’ he added .
16 Controlled growth chamber experiments ( as well as greenhouse practices ) have established beyond doubt that many plants for which carbon is a limiting nutrient respond to short-term carbon dioxide enrichment with faster growth and greater yields ( Rosenberg , 1981 ) .
17 But like so many owners , they have learnt from experience that when David Elsworth takes a view about horses , it seldom pays to disagree .
18 It is rather that " social anthropologists have learnt from experience that the totality of the local community is usually treated by its members as an expanded domestic household ; though equally well one might say that a domestic household is treated as a fined down version of the total community .
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