Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 I have heard of mythagos which have succeeded , but they are part of the myth that says tumuli and fire guarded valleys are the way to the Otherworld .
2 All too often it is this harsh environment which actually develops some of the best management , and it is noteworthy within our own company , how many of the leaders of the company have come from businesses which have had more than their fair share of struggle and adversity .
3 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
4 I have talked about interpretation which is accommodating so that it yields implications for language teaching .
5 The Post Office and its unions have entered into agreements which are designed to improve productivity .
6 Skiing adventurers have taken to heli-skiing which involves learning to operate an electronic transmitter in case of avalanches .
7 I have worked with leaders whose style is so totally different to my own that I have found it incomprehensible that they achieve results , but nevertheless they do .
8 So far , they have worked with data which is relatively easy to characterise and to discriminate .
9 I have begun to Fence which is a man 's game and I am to have my uncle Sette 's foil when next we go to England which may be in the summer .
10 I have kept to foods which I hope you will be able to find locally — there is no point in inspiring you with mouthwatering descriptions of cheeses available only in small mountain villages in the Alps !
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