Example sentences of "have [adv] have [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not certain that Warrington , best remembered as Philip in Rising Damp , actually swallowed the medicine , but his performances have since had great zest .
2 The school was Summerhill , run by A. S. Neill , whose revolutionary views on education have since had considerable influence on modern teaching methods .
3 Yes , I 've always , I 've always understood , understood more recently the reason why that there would always seemed to be enough prisoners , when we know there really must be enough prisoners throughout the world is that the betting procedure and they 're making quite sure they 're the right people takes time and money and effort , erm , that 's part and also there are some areas of the world now , where , where there are n't as many prisoners as there were , there are very few , there are very few prisoners of conscience in Latin America because they do n't put them in prison they just get rid of them , they just disappear and there are practically , practically none from Latin America countries , cos of these , these disappearances rather than being put in prison , erm , but it 's a sort of combination of reasons I think but er quite a long time now , ten , fifteen years I think groups have only had one prisoner , whereas when I first joined and Ann 's there , we had three did n't we at one time ?
4 In the two years they 've been married they have only had one day together .
5 ‘ Easier said than done , Sir John , and you have only had one cup of refreshment ! ’
6 I have only had one passion in my life : truth .
7 Dave Bassett 's side have only had one penalty in 90 games in the last two seasons .
8 My diesel shortly is a terrible smoker , I have only had this vehicle for three months ( 1985 vintage ) but have covered about 3000 miles and tried all of the adjustments to reduce its habit , The clock reads 30,000 miles and the distributor pump is adjusted to its maximum in an attempt to reduce the smoke , but I can not stop it .
9 We have already have significant contact through the international Save The Children alliance partners in Europe and we have representation on the European forum for child welfare .
10 ‘ A couple of hundred police have already had that idea .
11 But , said Mr Mulrine : ‘ We have already had one fatality because of parked cars on Hollyhurst Road are you asking me to say that one death is acceptable ? ’
12 We have already had one Christmas parcel , but that was from Hong-Kong , and arrived early because it was posted in England at the convenience of the man of the family , who flies jet airliners for Cathay Pacific .
13 I have already had countless phone calls and letters from Rugby World & Post readers asking about the law of repeated infringement and if it could apply to a team as well as an individual player .
14 Other Portersept products have already had big success countering the effects of mould and mildew on walls and ceilings , thanks to a bought-in ingredient called Intersept .
15 The zones have thus had some success in preventing the relocation or closure of preexisting companies .
16 In fact we have just had another issue of shares .
17 Specialist counsellors , on the other hand , have usually had advanced training in counselling , psychotherapy , or family therapy , and some may be professionally trained in other disciplines such as medicine , clinical psychology , social work , or nursing .
18 Patients developing these complications have usually had large volume injections of sclerosant and postsclerotherapy chest pain .
19 It was the first and last time they have ever had such privacy
20 There are no easy answers but maybe a few guidelines as to what might be happening , for Margaret , staring dry-eyed and forlorn into a new day , and for all the other people who have ever had that sort of feeling .
21 One question asks bluntly if they have ever had sexual intercourse with any of them .
22 While the Polish church has always been a vital element in the Poles ' national identity , neither the Protestant nor the Catholic churches in Germany — much less East Germany — have ever had this function .
23 Were the internal stat to ham on ( not that I have ever had this problem with the Uno internal , but I was a Girl Guide ! ) then 200 watts would not be enough to cause serious ( if any ) overheating in such a large tank .
24 I have always had reasonable live-in accommodation ( having inspected it before accepting a position ) and , although on certain days I have worked non-stop , on others I have been very quiet and still received the same salary .
25 Those of today have always had some evaluation , but seldom enough to cover all the circumstances in which they may be used , and they include many of such potency that their misuse can have dire consequences .
26 Apart from small orders , usually of nuns , set up by local bishops for local needs , religious orders have always had considerable independence from the bishops .
27 They have always had this opportunity at the University of Stirling but now they also gain national certification via SCOTVEC .
28 We have always had this co-operation in the past .
29 Many people suggest using corrugated card for pressing and indeed , most commercially made presses are supplied with corrugated card , but I have always had enormous difficulty when using this , finding that it leaves the imprints of stripes on the flowers and leaves .
30 Feminists in psychology have always had more respect for biology than have feminists in other disciplines .
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