Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Osteostracans ( cephalaspids ) have long been considered close relatives of lampreys despite a total difference in overall body shape .
2 They have all been given legal status in the country and enjoy the same social welfare benefits as Nicaraguans .
3 Departments have all been given tight target figures which some feel will be hard to meet .
4 There is an enormous range of substances that people can use in order to change the way that they feel , but the safest and most reliable ones , the drugs that have stood the test of time , have all been made illegal .
5 Minke whales , sperm whales , and killer whales have all been reported stranded on Australian and New Zealand beaches with their stomachs or throats full of plastic bags or sheets .
6 For the sake of clarity the ascending-node longitudes have all been set equal to each other , though within each group they are in any case much the same .
7 Andy Boyack , from the Rail Maritime and Transport Union , said : ‘ The lads have all been allocated other jobs within the normal maintenance sections . ’
8 Ian Rush , Don Hutchison , Mark Walters and Paul Stewart have all been passed fit .
9 What follows is a consideration of a few vital food elements outlining their importance to the health of older people , and looking at the effect that dietary deficiency might have on what have hitherto been considered normal factors in the ageing process .
10 A third of the staff have already been made redundant and directors said the future of the remaining 20 was still unclear .
11 Five theatre staff have already been made redundant .
12 In the private sector , hundreds of thousands have already been made unemployed by the recession and there will be hundreds of thousands more if recovery does not start soon .
13 But there 's no hope for a fifty mile an hour limit along the whole road because some sections have already been made dual carriageway .
14 Thus profiling is always likely to be seen as of peripheral importance to the academically able , central only to those who have already been deemed unsuitable for further or higher education .
15 And these arguments have generally been found persuasive by governments .
16 She says : ‘ It is a very valuable function because it helps people who are unemployed or have just been made redundant to do something which is worthwhile .
17 Back at the scene of the burglary , I can remember thinking next , ‘ Oh well , I suppose I can re-wrap some of the parcels that have just been torn open ; I suppose I could use cash instead for some of the presents that have gone ; there is some way that I can cope with this . ’
18 Climbing walls in the past have always been given short change from sports centres and the Sports Council .
19 Baby sea-lions have been born at Belfast before but have always been born dead or have only survived a few hours .
20 BIRKENHEAD Sixth Form College students Lisa Keenan and Lisa Hudson have both been offered direct entry to fashion degree courses .
21 It should exclude ‘ not only those items which have traditionally been called extraordinary , but also those called exceptional ’ .
22 These approaches have traditionally been termed systematic and regional geography .
23 Whatever the heady consequences of that ( and they have classically been found contradictory ) , Sloman 's explication does not tackle the question of why it is we are conscious of certain things at some times but not at others .
24 Such persons have usually been given " licence " agreements although they have often been granted factual exclusive possession of the property .
25 Butler gave what have often been considered decisive arguments against the doctrine of psychological hedonism .
26 Such is the increasing popularity of the bay that the first two miles of the four-mile journey have now been made negotiable for cars , the rest of the journey being on a well-trodden path
27 It is understood RUC detectives have now been given significant information about the gang .
28 Because many prefabs have now been bulldozed English Heritage wants them listed and protected from redevelopment .
29 Investors have frequently been offered special inducements , but the biggest inducement of all has been the underpricing of many of the issues and the chance of an immediate profit .
30 But Ossis have even been denied sought-after representational jobs too , like president or vice-president of the Bundestag .
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