Example sentences of "have [conj] [verb] [not/n't] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's a tendency to trivialise the issue by making it about me , about the rights and wrongs of what I have or have n't done , and about my personality .
2 You can correct the errors in the specified input file using the editor $EDIT which can be accessed by pressing PF1/1 — the Breakout key ; the use of this key is fully described in Appendix A. When you leave the editor , LIFESPAN will display the Scan A Module page once again , exactly as it was before regardless of whether you have or have not corrected the error .
3 One can not duck the issue by pretending that the decision will depend on the date of the election and on which bills have or have not arrived from VSEL or other contractors .
4 The word itself is so value-loaded that no judgement on whether contemporary trends in rural society have or have not brought about a ‘ loss of community ’ in the English village is realistically possible .
5 The 415 Moslems expelled by Israel do not deserve to starve in a freezing no man 's land , no matter what crimes they have or have not committed .
6 For MAS , whilst the disclaimer will state what we have and have not done , we may still be associated with the data if we are asked to present it to potential buyers or if our name is mentioned in the document .
7 They refuse to tell the public what investigations they have and have n't carried out .
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