Example sentences of "have [adv] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its leaders and pastors have long been the only people who can say what they think ; its press , although censored , is freer than the state media and its synods and congresses are the only places where people can openly discuss the problems in the country .
2 Christmas and New Year have long been the high point for visitor and Madeiran alike .
3 Emigration and tourism have long been the main contributors to the economy of Madeira , emigration being the older .
4 The research will thus deviate from the common run of ‘ community ’ studies which have hitherto been the main focus of anthropological research on ethnic minorities in Britain .
5 However , at district health authority and hospital level there have not been the practical measures needed to achieve that .
6 Nevertheless , for the Andes as a whole , compressive stresses arising from plate convergence have not been the major cause of uplift .
7 The football authorities have not been the only ones to agonize over the impact of television on sport .
8 There are many projects where farmers have seen potential benefits from a project , but where these have not been the same as those anticipated by the project designers .
9 ‘ I have not been the same since the assault , ’ the 20-year-old student said at her flat near Hanover , where she is continuing her biology degree course .
10 Things have not been the same on the operational side of the art business .
11 What has appeared as an intense , bitter and irreconcilable polarization has occurred partly because our basic moral concerns have not been the same .
12 Governments , politicians , departments or voting patterns have usually been the political scientists ' fodder .
13 The Source — Building societies have always been the traditional source of mortgage finance , however , banks finance companies and specialist lenders have also moved into the market and now provide major competition to the building societies .
14 ‘ In England we had Morris dancing , mostly knee down , and our ballet dancers have always been the best for quick , precise footwork .
15 Gilbert , smiling , interjects : ‘ Artists have always been the biggest fuckers , no ?
16 You have always been the same , never do what you were … ’
17 The reader is reminded that according to the reasoning of this book , the ‘ events ’ have always been the direct result of the satisfying of ‘ desire ’ , the existence of which is the basic presumption relegated to pre-life and therefore having no direct relevance to the Created God .
18 Local authorities have always been the main providers of wheelchair and mobility adapted housing , and although the actual number of such dwellings decreased between the periods 1970/81 and 1982/6 due to an overall decline in their house-building programme , the percentage of wheelchair and mobility adapted housing increased in this period .
19 In recent decades the most important factors have probably been the increasing number of home owners and rises in house prices .
20 These workers have traditionally been the toughest and most radical , and employers all over America are aware that if Pittston can break the ‘ mother union ’ , then the attempts to gain the ground lost in the Reagan years will be stillborn .
21 Yet these have also been the first two years of the Making Belfast Work programme , which if we are to believe the glossies , is the answer to structural unemployment of over one third of the workforce in West Belfast , using even the government 's definition of being unemployed .
22 Naylor ( 1987 ) tells some hair-raising tales of how politicians have often been the chief culprits , stashing away government revenues and foreign aid funds in numbered accounts .
23 The embodiment of such interactions , though not necessary to the understanding of the morning peak hour movements to work or education which have often been the primary focus of transport planning , is important to the understanding of other less straight-forward parts of the daily pattern of travel , which are important both to the travellers themselves and also to those concerned with the planning and provision of transport .
24 But we have n't been the only ones to combat that , there have been white lesbians as well who have taken offence at that particularly say working class white lesbians or white lesbians with disabilities who have also felt that particular issues affecting them have been marginalised .
25 ‘ Oh yes , there have n't been the spectacular rises of the first few years , but we could guarantee a growth figure which more than copes with inflation .
26 They have n't been the sole centre of attention — no one is .
27 ‘ I know I have n't been the perfect father , but hell , you have n't been the perfect mother either . ’
28 ‘ I know I have n't been the perfect father , but hell , you have n't been the perfect mother either . ’
29 Yes , things have n't been the same since Fred fell down the cellar steps and broke his neck "
30 What we have here is the untarnished pop of Pet Shop Boys mixed with the stylish swish of Pixies and the expertise of REM all rounded off with the insane power of a contemporary Wagner .
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