Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The children have since been taken into care .
2 In the last 12 months great strides have successfully been taken in maintaining a high profile and promoting the industry .
3 In industrialised countries , such rudimentary amenities as piped water and sanitation have long been taken for granted and there has been a virtual elimination of major infectious diseases over the past century .
4 In preparing the new form , suggestions made by members of the Society , Local Secretaries and Sheriff Clerks have all been taken into account .
5 They have all been taken from roadworks in north Donegal since the beginning of the year .
6 But the American plan promotes only steps that have already been taken for other reasons .
7 RESERVATIONS have already been taken for houses at Longwood Park near Warrington and the show homes only open this month .
8 Steps limiting the involvement of councils in economic development have already been taken in England and Wales , but COSLA says the Scottish situation is different .
9 Significant moves to achieve this have already been taken by the Library Association , including , as we have seen , its efforts to amend Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 .
10 ‘ The Society also looks at the loans that are six months or more in arrears but have not been taken into possession , and adds a percentage of such arrears to the specific provision figure .
11 Sectarianism and intimidation in the workplace have not been taken into account either , when we asked about this at the same meeting we were told you had to prove you were being intimidated .
12 There must be some other factors that have not been taken into consideration properly at some stage in the passage from idea generation to marketing .
13 Some North American theses on Scottish geology exist , but they have not been taken into account in the present study .
14 CIPFA maintains that a number of potentially significant costs , concerning changes in staff numbers and salaries , have not been taken into account .
15 The work itself is a primary source , since the data have not been taken from other published sources — if they are presented in a survey actually supervised by the writer .
16 After he has made his first claim for Landor , Pound writes two paragraphs of the sort that have provoked near-apoplexy , because they have not been taken in the spirit that Pound intended :
17 Ceauşescu 's family and favourites have gone , but their places have generally been taken by the prominent figures of the new regime — some of whom have not had to move far .
18 The big decisions thrown up by PESC have always been taken by full Cabinet , though Macmillan set a precedent followed by future prime ministers when he established in autumn 1960 a small Ministerial Action Group on Public Expenditure , known as ‘ Magpie ’ .
19 Swordfish in the Georges Bank fishing grounds in the north west Atlantic Ocean have traditionally been taken by harpoon , but heavy fishing pressure has driven stocks to an all-time low , and some boats have turned to the use of drift-nets .
20 As well as reaching the consumer through well known magazines such as Good Housekeeping , House & Garden , Ideal Home and Homes & Gardens , adverts have also been taken in the carpet trade press informing retailers of the support being given to promote sales .
21 Families who have now been taken into Evin prison .
22 This latter has occurred in the vicinity of Hessdalen in Norway , where several hundred photographs have now been taken of earth lights , and where there is a permanent monitoring post .
23 The disease is , however , attended by secondary symptoms , the well known purging and vomiting which , because they are so dramatic , have frequently been taken by the inept as indicating the primary seat of the infection …
24 David Profumo wrote in the Daily Telegraph : ‘ Heresy as it is in literary circles , I have to say I have never been taken with the work of the late Angela Carter .
25 However we interpret the phrase it is too general : there are many " contes à rire en vers " that have never been taken for fabliaux .
26 Very often one sees schedules which have never been taken beyond the question-asking stage and one wonders what terrible time and effort must be expended on forcing all sorts of answers into categories later on , especially when electronic means of analysis , such as computers , are to be used .
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