Example sentences of "have [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yeah we thought it important to send to you because we are , you know , a bit out of the way that 's all and erm people tend to go zipping past and have to go up to the roundabout and come all the way back down again cos it 's quite a busy road this and
2 No we are gon na watch Playbus and then we 'll have a bath and then we have to go up to the shops because today is mummy and daddy 's wedding anniversary .
3 I have to go up to the hospital twice a week to day assessment unit , where they are doing test on the baby just to monitor its progress and see if everything is going okay .
4 We have to go up over the fell . "
5 These factors have stacked up against the amateur game : a preponderance of Tours to house players ; a huge glamour industry attached to the pro game that seduces the players ; parents wanting to push their sons into a life of perceived prestige and an automatic aspiration to be a pro among most players of ability .
6 The eight to 10 weeks after schools have broken up for the summer are the peak period for tour operators , and it is only around mid-September that they can judge how successful they have been .
7 Now , the academics ( or rather the best of them ) have caught up with the real world .
8 For in the topsy turvy pecking order which is the current Russian economy , the middle class academics , civil servants and doctors have wound up at the bottom of the wages spiral , their savings largely , meaningless .
9 In the claim we are showing quite clearly , and we have won up to the present stage — six years to show that women 's work in the RVH is equal to men 's work .
10 For this reason Neonfair have come up with the Fishpen , a unique system for the immediate division of a tank .
11 From the urgency of new single ‘ Fight ’ to the Snowboy-fuelled groove of ‘ Lucky Fellow ’ , McKoy have come up with the goods .
12 It can not be much fun to have a big crowd turn against you when you have come up with the top score of the day , inspired your team , and done your best to uphold the game 's standards of decency and chivalry .
13 Investment analysts have come up with the following forecasts for earnings growth :
14 Recent studies have posed the question as to whether there is a link between film violence and real violence and have come up with the answer that the majority of people think there is , though at least one study concluded the opposite .
15 In both Nicaragua and Mozambique , the governments have come up against the question of choosing which language or languages to teach in .
16 And now we have come up before the beak for a second wigging , because on the application of one of our own citizens we are accused of ‘ degrading treatment or punishment ’ inflicted in the Isle of Man .
17 ‘ You have come up from the coast then ?
18 You no doubt have picked up on the typos etc. but it is sometimes useful to have another ‘ eye ’ .
19 I have what I believe to be a very important piece of information for marine fish keepers which I have picked up from the marine scene in the USA .
20 Although things have picked up in the last six months , the work is more likely to be restructuring , rights issues or corporate rescues .
21 I should say I hardly recognised him but scarcely is the word I have picked up in the strange places to which Sebastian and I have journeyed .
22 The rear windows have steamed up by the time we decant her , and do not clear again until we are nearly over Putney Bridge .
23 Which is ironic , since we have met up at the Wardour Street , a company specialising in neurotechnology for the consumer .
24 Which is ironic , since we have met up at the Wardour Street , a company specialising in neurotechnology for the consumer .
25 She writes that in August 1941 , before the Final Solution orders were given , Goebbels complained to Hitler that ‘ Antonescu proceeds in these matters in a far more radical fashion than we have done up to the present . ’
26 The results confirm the so-called Standard Model , the theory which physicists have built up over the past 15 years to explain both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it .
27 Consequently , compromises have built up over the years .
28 Agencies like this find that some people want a complete change from previous work , others like to continue using the skills they have built up over the years .
29 It is a wonderful feeling to be able to experience the strength , suppleness and stamina that you have built up over the last three weeks .
30 The goodwill and excellent relations that Jimmy and Gwenda Cornell have built up with the authorities in Gran Canaria seem to be in the process of being matched in St Lucia : more and better facilities were planned for Rodney Bay Marina , parties were organised and funded , and a special ARC committee to deal with such things as restoring extinguished navigation lights and easing participants through customs formalities was set up and presided over by the Prime Minister of St Lucia .
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