Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So we have to go on meeting like this , ever watchful , always circumspect in our behaviour when in company so no one will suspect — ’
2 It 's hard to refuse a neighbour , as you have to go on living near them , so she agreed to lend the front lawns for a folklore festival , attended by ‘ ethnic ’ people with flowing skirts and hair .
3 Smaller and more volatile businesses do not have this luxury and often find themselves unable to attract the best people , and therefore have to go outside to recruit for senior management .
4 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
5 I think they did , yeah Because I do n't get much time during the day er to go away from the shop but er I , the only job I mostly do is when the visitors come to the er temple I have to go there explain about Sikhism .
6 It has been occurring for many years and has been embodied in legislation such as the Housing Acts of 1935 and 1957 , although numbers of sales have fluctuated considerably according to the political complexions of the government of the day .
7 I have given up begging to be taken back into service since it is plain Annunciata is preferred .
8 The account of global politics that I have given here derives in part from such a paradigm , in which I emphasize the importance throughout the twentieth century of the opposition between capitalism and socialism , and more generally between those processes and policies which tend either to increase or to diminish inequality in its diverse forms , within societies and in the world as a whole .
9 Do I , for general purposes , have to carry on going through all the cost estimates and and stuff like that ?
10 ‘ Some even have to carry on sleeping in the same bed — back to back in angry silence .
11 And most of us have forgotten how to listen to those everyday sounds which form part of our lives .
12 Even music is so often used as a ‘ background noise ’ in shops and restaurants that it sometimes seems that we have forgotten how to listen to it .
13 ‘ Growing older may mean you have to work harder to stay in shape , but it can be done — think of all the glamorous film stars who are in their fifties ! ’
14 Living proof of this point are tonight 's audience , who have come here hoping for some of the screaming industrial hardcore MBM used to play , but nevertheless 90 per cent of them would do their unintentionally amusing Maori rugby player dance to a series of sampled farts if they thought they should .
15 It appears that only five or six Labour Back Benchers have come here to protest about local government finance .
16 I 've played it fast and loose before , and on the rare occasions when I 've disobeyed orders ( in the Rhineland during the First Crusade , in a little whorehouse in the backstreets of Byzantium , and on a cargo ship bearing perfumes from Punt ) I have come up smelling of roses .
17 In nightclubs and pop promo videos , it 's as if the banshees have come down screaming from the catwalk , staggering in their stilettos under the weight of their Max Factor cosmetics and costume jewellery .
18 That and the fact that new players who have come in looked as if they 've always been there . ’
19 I mean unfortunately the authority in days gone by has benefited from the scheme in the sense that the extra , extra money in service in truth , the revenue was there , erm , the chickens have come home to roost in the sense that it 's , the tables have turned the other way , and I mean , gone are the days where , when we 're least worried out that impact that , that , that much more of our er , of our budget .
20 Hundreds of people from all over the world have come together to talk about elves , hobbits and dragons .
21 Moving the smaller oval into place is much easier than you might expect because of the way guidelines appear as the point that you have picked up come into alignment with important features on other object .
22 Much of what I have said tonight points towards a parting of the ways .
23 What I have said above relates to my experiences with the Philippine health sector between March 1984 and December 1987 .
24 Many librarians have written in to protest at what has been happening and there has been a good deal of debate behind closed doors ; but , as will be shown here , the ultimate explanation is the rise of semi-literacy and the acceptance of it by the modern descendants of the great Victorians .
25 Yet Burn 's Revesby shares with Soane 's Pelwall the distinction of being one of two houses Save and English Heritage have done most to save from demolition , and rightly so .
26 In fact , as we shall see , employers in the USA — particularly in the manufacturing sector where enterprise-level bargaining and large corporations predominate — have felt less need for association with other employers for negotiating purposes , while in Britain over the past two decades there has been a trend towards the adoption of company-centred industrial relations policies rather than continued adherence to the norms laid down by an association .
27 People who have felt severely betrayed by the birth of a younger sibling may find they have more difficulty in handling a second child than the first , but this does not deter them from bearing that second child .
28 Some people , for example , feel less constrained in a language other than their mother tongue when they have felt too burdened by words and idioms used by their mother .
29 People who have felt too impinged upon in childhood , too taken over , not allowed to experience their own feelings , may bolster their fragile sense of identity by marrying someone ostensibly very different , but with a similar underlying fear of being swamped .
30 Today I no longer work in the grant-aided sector and a great number of women who were my colleagues and contemporaries have moved on to work in broadcast or cable television .
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