Example sentences of "an [noun sg] that had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The conscious intent , and the time taken to perform an action that had clear symbolic content , drew our attention and created an out-of-the-ordinary impression .
2 Sophie was like an engine that had n't been switched off ; he could sense the energy in her and feel the heat .
3 Nechaev 's dictatorial style highlighted an issue that had already begun to exercise the populists .
4 What possible reason could a sane man have for thanking her for an evening that had never happened ?
5 Ludicrous though the description might sound in print , for an organisation that had never numbered more than sixty followers and had rarely mustered more than twenty , it was strictly accurate and hardly to be dismissed by a regime uniquely devoted to National Socialism .
6 Definitely , we do n't if we were crossing an area that had n't been secured by any other officer , so we were particularly concerned that we should get out of any possible danger area .
7 ‘ My parents lived in an area that had always been traditionally Hindu .
8 Sandro Calvani , head of UNDCP 's Bolivian operations , defends his group 's activities , pointing out that his organisation started relief work in an area that had long been shunned by most other international agencies as too dangerous .
9 ‘ I was very angry when I saw my name mentioned in connection with an incident that had absolutely nothing to do with me . ’
10 A distinguished backing band , including Dave Edmunds and Presley 's one-time guitarist , James Burton , knocked out a few appropriate standards while a video crew wandered about on the stage shining lights at an audience that had not paid to be treated as studio extras .
11 And yes , I suddenly recollected the image of the small shining triangle of a Stanley blade being passed out of the driver 's cabin : an image that had only momentarily concerned me .
12 ‘ That is an aspect that had not occurred to me , ’ Briant said , and the angry color that had blotched his narrow cheeks receded .
13 Carrie agreed it was an item that had completely slipped her memory , but Tom was already speaking again .
14 There were tricoleur roundels on its wings , but on the fuselage the fierce head of an Indian brave in full war feathers was an insignia that had not been seen before .
15 Swallowing hard the consultant patiently suggested that he contact hotel reception for help ; an idea that had n't occurred to the businessman .
16 But obviously it was an idea that had never occurred to him before , and his mind would take a little while to accommodate it .
17 Moreover , political supremacy and the absence of a strong Tory challenge led to a breakdown in Whig unity ; as a result , many of the Parliamentary struggles under the first two Georges saw Court Whigs being opposed by a combination of out-of-office Whigs , Country Whigs , and Tories , to an extent that had never been the norm during the rage of party under the later Stuarts .
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