Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [conj] you be " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't park , a big car 's an advantage if you 're going a long way
2 What he 's talking about and this is the same erm same councillor who was talking about living harmoniously side by side those that have are are buying them , those that are renting them but what he 's actually saying is well I 'm actually very , very sorry but if you have n't a job , if you have n't an income or you 're income is so low , just go over there and stay away from us decent chaps with lots of cash .
3 As we saw under Beliefs ( see page 21 ) it is easy to fall prey to some recurring unrealistic thoughts or beliefs which cause you to feel upset whenever they are violated so , either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you are hindered , or when you feel vulnerable to the onset of an unproductive feeling , ask yourself : ‘ How can I make more effective use of this present moment ? ’
4 However , even if you draw a blank , it is always worth checking to see whether or not you can influence the external event that starts the sequence , so either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you were hindered ask yourself : ‘ What external event has triggered this feeling ? ’
5 An admission that you 're attracted to me ? ’
6 You 'll learn all about the island in half an hour once you 're there . ‘
7 These are as comprehensive an update as you are likely to get in the UK .
8 The similarities that appear on your lists may be an indication that you are well equipped as a couple for a particular occupation or ministry .
9 The presence of small organisms on your glass is an indication that you are overfeeding as these creatures thrive where there is uneaten food .
10 Could that be an indication that you are n't in fact giving the public what they want ?
11 CALL IN AN ELECTRICIAN if you are in any doubt at all about your ability to carry out the electrical jobs described here .
12 So if you 're going to employ an assassin and you 're a mean skinflint you pick on the lowest of the low to do your dirty work .
13 ‘ You look like an angel but you 're helping to destroy another woman without turning a hair .
14 cos you 've got an opinion and you 're gon na stick to it but everyone is totally different , everyone 's got a totally different view on things .
15 you this turtle as an incentive cos you 're giving him the turtle anyway but he wo n't know that unless his mum 's told him .
16 She may fall ill , or have an accident while you were out , or set the house on fire and herself , so that you would not want to leave her even to go shopping .
17 Then he paused before demanding , ‘ Answer me this … if it was an accident and you 're not a vandal , but rather , as you would clearly have me believe , an honest , decent , upright citizen , why did you try to sneak away ?
18 ‘ Like , for example , what happens if you have an accident when you 're alone in the house ?
19 remember : you can only ask for water if you establish and maintain an overlap before you are two board lengths from the mark .
20 the notion of getting hold of a sort of re a perceived object and dropping it on the floor and watching it split into it 's component parts is quite appealing If you take a , if you imagine , you could take an object that you 're perceiving , yes ?
21 If you wanted to be an instructor and you were serious about gliding , you could probably achieve it in a couple of years .
22 I mean if , if , if you were looking from outside and you were going to choose an area that you were going introduce land reform you would choose south China would n't you ?
23 Ah but that 's the devil to try and coordinate that with an orchestra when you 're at the other end
24 You are more likely to have a rug accepted by an auctioneer if you are prepared to put it up without a reserve ( a figure agreed between you and the auctioneer below which they will not sell the rug ) , but this is extremely risky as it could then be sold for far less than it is worth .
25 This last might seem to be an asset if you are trying to lose weight , but in actual fact it merely acts as a mask to the body 's natural craving for food .
26 Generally , when you wish to punctuate a piece of optional , additional information or an aside that you are embedding in the middle of a sentence — for example with commas , dashes or brackets — then whatever punctuation you use should be placed both before and after the added element to signal its boundaries , not just at one end or the other .
27 If you prepare an answer that you 're confident about to the worst possible question , the chances are they wo n't even answer it , ask it , and you 'll feel much better .
28 All you do , is you mark it on an item if you 're gon na do the television do not do the screens , because every time you turn on up will come your postcode .
29 If you 're in an organization and you 're leader , you , you have to encourage them .
30 Whether you are young or old , you should always leave a key with a neighbour whom you trust and who is at home quite often , maybe someone who is retired , or who is at home with children , in case there is an emergency while you are out .
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