Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [pron] have always " in BNC.

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1 Much of it has very little to do with what you are , and that is an emotion I have always felt and will always feel .
2 In an event which has always been enriched by its personalities — from Lipton , through Sopwith , Vanderbilt , Bich , Bond and de Savary , to Fay — the 52-year-old billionaire , born in Kansas , is the persona of the 1992 Cup , eclipsing even Dennis Conner — the most successful Cup skipper in modern times — in his home town .
3 It 's an organisation I have always recognised provides a facility to commerce and industry which I think is highly desirable — that is a facility to take a long-term view .
4 She wore an outfit she 'd always wanted to try but felt she was too plump to risk — a scarlet bustier and a black net skirt .
5 What intrigued me was their mutual indifference to an activity I 'd always imagined to be both intimate and passionate .
6 Thus , an individual who has always been an atheist and who is ‘ converted ’ to Christianity may also give up his beliefs that indulging in alcohol , licentious sex , drugs and beating up little old ladies are acceptable elements of every-day behaviour .
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