Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's such an advantage to them later on I think .
2 Light can be thrown on the administrative efficiency of this Commissariat ( Narkomzem ) by looking into the account of an inspection of it in early 1922 .
3 He has left school , but I received an air-letter from him recently .
4 I ordinarily rise by six ; I will allow you to lie half an hour after me then you 'll have some time you may call your own .
5 A firm promise to spend an afternoon with me again . ’
6 I think the other thing was that I wanted to be known as a musician rather than some other phenomenon other than a musician and I think that also had an effect on me too .
7 A man 's voice had never had such an effect on her before .
8 Just an indication for you there .
9 This was an ambition of mine too but a busy working life restricted my activities , and since retirement Anno Domini has done the same , my total bag being no more than a meagre twenty .
10 We catch an echo of it however in that curiously possessive rather than patronizing way in which anthropologists are given to speaking of ‘ their people ’ ( just as the people sometimes speak of ‘ their anthropologist ’ ) .
11 Our proposal was based on the fact that living outside would possibly be cheaper and , if they did n't agree to pay for me to do so , I would remain in the home as an expense to them anyway .
12 Why do n't they make an industry of it here ?
13 Have the Child Support Agency had an interview with you yet ? because from April this year er they are pursuing all absent fathers for maintenance .
14 I 've arranged an interview for you here at DPR .
15 Hunting , let me remind those on the other side here , is still a lawful activity it 's no good saying , ah , well Parliament 's gon na pass an act against it soon .
16 It may well pass an act against it soon , it may well be that a lot of people from over there will get elected and you 'll get your bill , but then again it may not .
17 Two hopping abseils later — I 'm an expert at them now — and I was on the snow .
18 Maybe the fact that the England post would become available sometime this season was an influence in him not going into mgt this year ?
19 You could come back for like an exit with me like when we come back you ring your dad again .
20 Pollitt points out that many managers do not agree but have not been disposed to make an issue over it so far .
21 I have an exercise for you now .
22 She , Esther and Alix had known one another since their Cambridge days , and often met , but an evening with them necessarily excluded Charles : Esther and Alix did not much care for the world that Charles represented , and his presence inhibited all three of them .
23 Dunan and twenty Hearthwares were out in the Circle to keep an eye on them anyway .
24 ‘ Now we can keep an eye on her here knowing that usually the blood pressure will soon settle . ’
25 ‘ Keep an eye on her though . ’
26 ‘ We 'd better keep an eye on her then , ’ said Enid .
27 They do tend to keep an eye on me anyway .
28 ‘ And keep an eye on me so that I wo n't escape , ’ she bit out before biting into her toast .
29 she 'll have to keep an eye on him then .
30 He will also arrange an agreement that enables you to get back your property when you need it , ensure that the rent is paid regularly , and keep an eye on it generally .
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