Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [noun prp] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 The former has now left the SVR and the latter is due to do so in early June , the last chance to sample the flavour of an unrebuilt Bulleid Pacific on ‘ the Valley ’ is expected to be this weekend .
2 Craig was shot dead in 1988 in an East Belfast pub on the orders of a new hardline leadership out to clean up the gang 's image .
3 The SPD maintained that existing judicial and policing powers were adequate — as had the FDP in an emergency Bundestag debate on Oct. 8 .
4 Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown demanded an emergency Commons debate on the affair .
5 In an emergency Commons debate on the Sterling situation , the Prime Minister has ruled out returning to the Exchange Rate Mechanism unless it is changed .
6 President Boris Yeltsin of the Russian Federation flew to Estonia on Jan. 13 and issued a joint statement with the three Baltic Presidents calling for an emergency UN conference on the crisis .
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