Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [noun sg] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 According to an auction house representative the latter is the more likely outcome , because he doubts whether some countries , for example Italy , will be able to clamp down on smuggling .
2 From an Arsenal rearguard action the ball would , seemingly inevitably , reach Alex .
3 For those exercise programmes which do not have an exercise testing facility the following information needs to be gleaned from the hospital exercise test .
4 Their argument can be illustrated by assuming that in an STV constituency election the sole Green candidate is eliminated at the first count .
5 Two years ago at an exhibition centre gig the military two-step intro to their Top 20 hit She Comes in the Fall was played by Lancashire 's version of the Dagenham Girl Pipers .
6 And they accept that on an indemnity basis taxation the plaintiffs are entitled , by reason of the language used in R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) , to raise objections based on the alleged unreasonableness in amount of items of costs .
7 With Alan McDonald ( Queen 's Park Rangers ) declared fit after some doubt over an Achilles tendon injury the defensive set up should remain the same .
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