Example sentences of "an [adv] [adj] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 What is eventually clear , however , is that a much more formal and regular division of labour , based not only on professionalization but also on conscious management , corresponds to an effectively new stage in the means of production .
2 The demand fur such a common culture rests either on an altogether over-optimistic belief in the educability of the majority that is certainly not justified by experience or on a willingness to surrender the highest standards of taste and judgement to the incessant demands of mediocrity .
3 Sails began splitting with the sound of gunfire , and with no spares they were sewn up in situ — an incredibly dangerous task in a full gale .
4 Mary Jane Stearns Schenk ( 1987 ) completed the set of social classes to which the rise of the fabliaux had been attributed by proposing that an economically emancipated peasantry in north-eastern France provided the right conditions for the genre to prosper ; a group whose primary values were competence and ambition , and success in the form of profit .
5 The voters , so far as you can judge from Greek opinion polls , would like to choose an economically responsible government in the coming election , and may even be willing to react responsibly to what it asks of them .
6 With the James , we are told who did it ; in the Ackroyd , the matted fellow who is the chief suspect is never very securely identified as the author of the crimes — it is almost as if the inspector could have done it : so that Ackroyd 's is an authorially uncertain work in which the authorship of its crimes is uncertain too .
7 But his second title in three years came in 1977 when , after an intensely close battle in the first half of the season with South African Jody Scheckter and American Mario Andretti , Lauda pulled clear to win the title with 17 points to spare .
8 His Protestantism was an intensely private religion in which the effects of devotion were directed inwardly to produce change of heart or mental illumination .
9 Haim , who speaks halting Hebrew with a heavy accent , still leads an intensely Russian life in the new West Bank settlement north of Jerusalem where he lives with his wife and two children .
10 Having the added bonus of a symbiosis with Richard Martin , but with the advantage of handling the first few episodes himself , Barry 's memory is of an intensely creative period in the weeks before his first studio session on ‘ The Daleks ’ .
11 All these devices make the response predictable but inflexible , an especially worrying trait in crises when standard operating procedures are not appropriate .
12 Evangelicalism became an especially potent force in the attack on traditional pastimes .
13 Nor is ‘ bottom ’ the only foundation on which Mr Smith 's claim to the succession rests : a heart attack may not , on the face of it , appear to be an especially useful item in a would-be prime minister 's CV .
14 He was not an especially major character in the play , but was nevertheless allowed enough of a share of speech to make a character study feasible .
15 An especially positive finding in regard to training concerns efforts in some countries to develop comprehensive as distinct from the more usual ad hoc approaches to paraprofessional training .
16 As well as providing a different type of course for our Members , this will help to reduce the workload for the Trainers — who will have an especially busy time in our 40th Anniversary year .
17 Our findings confirm the transient , intense viraemia observed by others in symptomatic , primary HIV-1 infection , which was associated with an especially large reduction in platelet count , perhaps directly related to intense viral replication .
18 The Gaullist conception of state broadcasting would prove an unconscionably long time in dying-in May 1986 Communications Minister Léotard still referred to the need to reduce state control — ‘ la desétatisation de l'audiovisuel ’ .
19 I have an extremely voracious moth in my wardrobe which is gradually devouring all my clothes !
20 Now India was an extremely poor country in nineteen fifty and still is , yet it had six times as many tractors per agricultural acre as China .
21 Although driving itself is an extremely recent skill in evolutionary terms , such a link between potential danger and memory may have proved useful in many other situations ( e.g. McGaugh , 1990 ) .
22 Which seemed to Charles an extremely lame answer in view of the history of the acquaintanceship .
23 The other divers were nowhere to be seen at this time , which made for an extremely dangerous situation in the open ocean .
24 The generation of these cytokines by macrophages is an extremely early event in the response to infection or traums — for example one of the strongest stimuli to macrophage production is bacterial lipopolysaccharide .
25 This differs from most earlier kouroi in having arms and hands carved free of the sides , but the sculptor has cautiously supported them by struts from hip to wrist : an extremely rare feature in Greek work but regular in marble copies of the Roman period after Greek bronzes ; and bronze becomes the favourite medium for freestanding sculpture in the period we are entering .
26 It is also an extremely distinctive feature in terms of its high level of geographical polarization .
27 It is an extremely versatile commodity in that it provides petrol , fuel oil , chemicals and synthetic fibres , etc .
28 The path would form an extremely useful link in a ‘ quiet ’ route from Edinburgh to the countryside to the west , basically following the route of the old A9 from Maybury , via Turnhouse and continuing to Kirkliston and Winchburgh .
29 The path would form an extremely useful link in a ‘ quiet ’ route from Edinburgh to the countryside to the west , basically following the route of the old A9 from Maybury , via Turnhouse and continuing to Kirkliston and Winchburgh .
30 North Ferriby is an extremely pleasant place in which to live and property is keenly sought after by those wishing to join this village community .
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