Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun prp] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The typewriter had been made in Delhi many years ago , copied from an English Underwood and reproduced in every detail except for the vital spring to drive the keys back .
2 Starting with the more usual anti-Hobbesian belief in an immaterial God and perceiving minds or souls , he went one step further and said that this is all there is .
3 It would dearly like ( as one railway manufacturer has proposed ) to rip the diesel engines out of an existing HST and replace them with electric engines , and then use this train for tests .
4 Piatakov rejected any idea of an independent Ukraine and urged military invasion to re-establish Russian control .
5 Local Aborigines have predicted that mining would waken an underground God and lead to mass destruction .
6 The 100 , 300 and 500 series are capable of processing PostScript files through an external RIP and setting direct from disk at 1270dpi and beyond .
7 But the best was saved till last , when Western province and Eastern province produced an excellent Benson & Hedges day/night final at the packed Wanderers , just a couple of days after the South Africans had returned from the World Cup .
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