Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun sg] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Acyclovir has been developed and marketed by the Burroughs Wellcome company , and while it is certainly not an anti-viral panacea it is proving of definite benefit in the treatment of herpes virus infections .
2 Service : being such an indeterminate quantity it is difficult to set parameters .
3 ‘ When I saw Dustin Hoffman in Peter Hall 's production , which was strong and clean , I thought that the strength of the production showed up what an awful play it is .
4 that 's it that 's it as Dave described it it 's an emotional whole it 's it 's er satisfying er to the listener .
5 Since Nicholson 's is an Allied operation it is not surprising that Tetley 's is a fixture in its pubs and Burton Ale can usually be found .
6 It 's not a problem when it 's in the open air but it can seep into buildings and when it becomes trapped in an enclosed area it 's potentially lethal .
7 An old favourite it is sometimes available , if not seen as often as Corydoras aneus and Corydoras paleatus .
8 The nature of a region is interpreted individually , therefore , but as an historically-created entity it is more than just one person 's interpretation .
9 The North-Easterners , fuelled by enthusiasm close to fanaticism , found their finance , players , admin staff , and facilities , and an exciting tale it is in the recounting .
10 These authors postulate that in as yet an unexplained way it is the accumulation of these lipid-laden foam cells in the sub-endothelium that damage the endothelium , thus allowing the subsequent developments in the formation of the atheromatous plaque to proceed .
11 Where individual claimants submit a genuine , soundly based claim or appeal to an adjudicating officer , if there is an organised campaign it is reasonable for our adjudicating officers to consider the claim with an eye that , although fair , takes account of the fact that it is an organised campaign .
12 Although this phenomenon has an immunological mechanism it is not necessarily associated with protection against reinfection since the larval challenge often develops to maturity .
13 Although teachers can always raise matters individually in their own areas with their reps or directly with me , to get an overall view it is vitally important to have general discussion from time to time .
14 However , a lack of material prevents a study of the variation of such characters and as there is an overall similarity it is best not to describe this specimen as a new species .
15 In an average year it 's about six to eight weeks actually expeditioning .
16 this is an , this is an additional amendment it 's neither , it 's neither specific nor unquantified .
17 If you are searching for a solution to an undefined need it is more than likely that you 'll be seduced by the obvious attractions of graphics oriented programs like PageMaker , Ready Set Go and so on .
18 And if you want to stay an extra day it 's about twenty quid extra .
19 ‘ If I can give a player an extra metre it 's the difference between winning a ball and losing it . ’
20 As the Jensen measure is an absolute measure it is not as appropriate as the Sharpe and Treynor measures for the relative comparison of portfolios with different levels of risk .
21 A formal pool often serves a different function from an informal one , for in an appropriate setting it is often used to mirror the garden around it .
22 I mean in some respects that 's almost an imposs an impossible task it 's simple impracticable .
23 In order to be able to understand the situation of the visually handicapped child in an ordinary class it is relevant to be reminded of the function of the eye and the visual system , since without such basic information the demands which such a child faces are unlikely to be understood .
24 Whenever animals are to be brought into an animal house from an outside source it is advisable to keep them in strict isolation for 28 days while health checks are carried out .
25 I live on the banks of the Lea and I can not properly tell the House what an amazing joy it is to wake up every morning and look over the marshes .
26 At an early stage it is formed in relation to the child 's experience , especially its relationships with other children in play .
27 In an amplified state it is generally referred to as ‘ expanded consciousness ’ — a condition that allows us to process through our nervous system , information from the environment which during a normal state of consciousness is totally inaccessible .
28 In examining an unregistered title it 's a help to make " Notes on Title " , which are really an abstract of the abstract .
29 Where there is such an approved standard it is , strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it .
30 Crap is an okay word it 's all right crap is not ru rude .
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