Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 A Lothian Working Party Report incorporated an appendix with comments from consumer organisations and users .
2 Anyone who was born at the Elsie Inglis Hospital can take part and the story will depend on the participants but it will include half an hour of songs from the other two shows .
3 An afternoon for Catechists from the Bradford area will be held at St Mary 's on 21st November to celebrate their Ministry .
4 Performances are accompanied by live or taped music , demonstrations and an opportunity for questions from the audience .
5 Scott Anderson was particularly pleased with an album of stamps from all over the world , commemorating the Wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales ; and with his ‘ find ’ of the year , inside an ordinary catalogue , of something extraordinary – an envelope from the U.S. bearing a 1869 postmark .
6 Without an infusion of funds from the DHSS ( now DSS ) , fewer private homes would have been established and many more would have proved to be unprofitable .
7 An expert on ladybirds from Cambridge University said that they had begun their egg-laying two months early , in time to double the usual crop of adults this summer .
8 Her trip is part of an exchange between sixth-formers from Wirral and their counterparts from Lorient .
9 ‘ He began an investigation after complaints from local residents and visited the premises at Maidenhead but , in the traditions of The People , he then made his excuses and left . ’
10 There followed an outpouring of letters from Caroline and her daughters telling of the behaviour and convalescence of ‘ the most perfect Hero that ever breathed ’ .
11 We keep an eye on things from a distance , and we occasionally arrange to have somebody put under permanent sedation , but we do n't purge .
12 ‘ Because of the recession we are experiencing an upsurge in admissions from the private sector , ’ he said .
13 As a thousand fists beat as one , Flav , the rap equivalent of The Sugarcubes ' Einar , breaks into his regular spoilt kid routine , jumping up and down like someone who 's just had his pocket money stopped , while the ‘ menacing ’ S1Ws , clad in slick white sailor suits , make an appearance as evacuees from a Person advert .
14 As a thousand fists beat as one , Flav , the rap equivalent of The Sugarcubes ' Einar , breaks into his regular spoilt kid routine , jumping up and down like someone who 's just had his pocket money stopped , while the ‘ menacing ’ S1Ws , clad in slick white sailor suits , make an appearance as evacuees from a Person advert .
15 Within the UK there is an organisation of representatives from the industries affected , the Quality Assurance Group ( QAG ) ( UK ) .
16 On Thursday there was an offer of T-shirts from a company called Monsters Of Leadership .
17 VARIOUS : ‘ '60s Beat ’ 40-track compilation featuring an array of hits from the fab decade including tracks from The Beatles , Herman 's Hermits , Lovin' Spoonful , Amen Corner , The Troggs and Procul Harum — out now
18 We sought advice on the matter from officers of the main teacher unions and were told that , although it was not the policy of any union to place an embargo on questionnaires from bodies separate from the LEA , nevertheless attitudes and morale might at that time be such as to produce little willingness to respond .
19 Plockton Amateur Dramatic Society got £1,633 for new stage lighting and a £500 grant was made to the Avoch Heritage Association for an exhibition on schooldays from the mid-19th century to 1961 .
20 The first publication will be the catalogue of an exhibition of paintings from the Bowes Museum in Country Durham which opens at the National Gallery on 28 April .
21 April 1 sees the arrival at the Accademia Italiana of an exhibition of artefacts from Pompeii that has already toured Houston , New York and Malmö .
22 Last month an exhibition of pictures from the Dulwich Gallery was held at Christie 's .
23 He claimed that he had a reasonable excuse within s.178(2) in that s.10 of the contempt of Court Act 1981 conferred an immunity on journalists from disclosing a source of information unless the disclosure was necessary for the prevention of crime .
24 This is an army of soldiers from many different nations who can be brought into a country to preserve law and order and to stop two opposing sides from attacking each other .
25 He raised an army of men from Wales , Ireland and Cheshire to strike against his uncles and the Duke of Gloucester was killed .
26 Indeed , he was in full flood in his Detective-Sergeant McWhirter voice , to an accompaniment of giggles from Felicity , when he heard a voice behind him .
27 His successor , Alexander I , was known as ‘ the Fierce ’ , and there were legends of his suppressing an uprising by rebels from Moray so brutally that nobody survived to explain the reasons for their disaffection .
28 Nevertheless , in the days immediately after the congress there was evidence that an exodus of members from the party was gathering pace .
29 The 1980s have been marked by an avalanche of documents from both local and central government .
30 Does he further agree that , following the re-election of the Conservative party to office after the next general election , there will be an avalanche of applications from state schools seeking grant-maintained status ?
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