Example sentences of "an [noun] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another , who has problems in understanding speech as well as problems in understanding print , has an impairment at the semantic level .
2 SUPPLE leapt to prominence with a hilarious Accidental Death of an Anarchist at the National Theatre .
3 Tip 's first job on leaving school was as an apprentice at the old Tom Stewart clubmaking works at St Andrews , soon to be taken over by Spalding .
4 The white , scoured branches of trees that years ago had eked out an existence at a sheltered place beneath the cliff , lay about like pieces of sculpture , fashioned by the weather .
5 Meanwhile , Tory backbenchers voiced their concern that speedy action should be taken over juvenile crime when about 25 MPs met Mr Clarke for more than an hour at a private meeting at the Commons .
6 She did n't know how far they had come from Gloucester , but surely after an hour at a steady gallop they had put enough distance between themselves and the castle to halt for a few minutes .
7 Labour costs at the centre are the highest in the country : $78.50 an hour of straight-time for an electrician , compared with $45 an hour at a comparable centre in Los Angeles and $28 in Atlanta .
8 Later he spent an hour at the Scottish studies department , which he opened nearly 40 years ago , where he saw a display of Scottish artefacts and heard a rendition of Gaelic songs .
9 And do n't miss wet and wild , a visit to natural waterfalls in the mountains followed by an afternoon at an amazing waterpark .
10 Mind you , if the tourist board thought they could get away with it , they 'd probably claim he spent an afternoon at the local petrol station , buying some anti-smear windscreen wash and a fan belt , before moving on to a gift shop to purchase a handmade stuffed velvet Loch Ness monster and having an appreciative sniff at the perfumed candle display .
11 Max Hanna , an economist at the English Tourist Board who was joint author of SAVE 's Preservation Pays , calculated that the preservation of the Cathedral was then worth £5 million gross income , or £1.5 million net , each year to the local economy .
12 If this was what Mandy happily referred to as romance , she decided that being an intern at a busy inner-city hospital was marginally less stressful .
13 ‘ Yes ? ’ said Margaret at the front door , with an attempt at a friendly smile , which somehow turned out cold , like an arctic summer .
14 If there is an attempt at a forced entry , the Alarm and Lock bar flashes a bright light and sounds a loud alarm .
15 It is difficult to obtain accurate figures from the wilder , more snake-ridden parts of the world , such as Africa , Asia and South America , but an attempt at a global survey carried out in the 1950s gave a total world figure of thirty thousand deaths annually from all forms of snakebite .
16 As the ‘ kitchen sink ’ was replaced by ‘ Swinging London ’ , Schlesinger moved into the upper echelons with Darling ( 1965 ) , an attempt at a cynical morality tale about the society its director and writer ( Frederic Raphael ) seemed to relish .
17 JET is not an attempt at a commercial fusion reactor .
18 Rory made an attempt at a light laugh .
19 But , since he was Professor ( or , as we would now call him , Principal ) at the Veterinary College for over 45 years , and Principal Army Veterinary Surgeon for nearly 43 years , and since in these positions he inevitably greatly influenced the development of our College and profession , an attempt at a balanced re-appraisal seems worthwhile .
20 Initially it was planned to have two mid-mounted eight-cylinder 1,000 hp automobile engines driving two scimitar-shaped multi-bladed pusher propellers located aft of the tailplanes , but this arrangement has been dropped in favour of mounting the propellers on pylons above the wing trailing-edges apparently to enable the racer to be float-equipped for an attempt at the six-decades-old world airspeed record for seaplanes .
21 Anywhere your fancy has lit on ; as an employee at a large and mysterious house ; as a holiday-maker at a romantic yet possibly menace-filled location .
22 He entered the profession after an apprenticeship at the Jesuit college he attended in Sheffield , where his father , a salesman in steel , had moved from London with his young son .
23 It was the final piece in a jigsaw that started at an auction at a rundown farm in 1970 .
24 He led her through an archway at the far end of the hall .
25 In England pop culture has a simultaneous function — inextricably intertwined to a degree unmatched anywhere else in the world of exploitation and expression : exploitation as the product of an industry at the sharp end of the new conditions of capitalism , expression by virtue of its position — which has occurred by default — as the main area of activity in our society which freely admits voices of both youth and change .
26 During an interview at the Shiki theatre company 's offices in Tokyo , Mr Asari explained why he had produced the controversial musical .
27 Nothing much came of this until he was summoned to an interview at the Foreign Office with Kenneth Cohen , an MI6 officer he had known in Hamburg .
28 This point illustrates the limits of a purely static approach for delineating the operational contacts taking place between RNA polymerase and an activator at a given promoter .
29 Once or twice Allen loosed off an arrow at a scampering squirrel , more in play than with any idea of hitting it , and then scrabbled about in the undergrowth to recover the shaft .
30 For the first time in years nuclear weapons could well be an issue at the imminent general election .
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