Example sentences of "an [noun] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Opposition leaders increased pressure in recent weeks for an election and demanded that the government hold up until then ratification of NAFTA .
2 If this is viewed with an optimism that assumes and seeks ultimate order , then the artist , the technologist , the scientist , each in his way a designer of things , are embarked upon a common voyage .
3 Ronald Duncan , whom I came to know about this time ( our first meeting took place when I made a bicycle tour of Cornwall in the summer of 1947 ) , spoke of having received a telegram from Eliot cancelling an engagement and saying that he had to ‘ bury a woman ’ .
4 1.6 It is the Department 's policy that unless the member of staff and manager concerned make a case to the contrary , it will press for charges to be brought against an assailant while recognising that such a decision is wholly the province of the Procurator Fiscal following report by the police ( there being no scope for private criminal prosecution in Scotland ) .
5 ‘ I would hate for any of you to go away and say the first quarter is an indication and multiply that by four , ’ Reuter quotes finance director Dudley Eustace as saying .
6 It 's increasingly difficult for the voluntary sector to make provision of this kind , to offer those opportunities without proper partnership with the state , so I do n't actually accept if you 're posing an alternative and saying that it 's either or , I do n't think that 's correct .
7 I am not such an optimist as to imagine that we are always going to agree with you about the type of regulation , or its costs , but I do want to emphasise that we are determined always to try to talk through contentious issues with you and to ensure that there is real dialogue . ’
8 He denounced function as an irrelevance and said that we needed to set up a structure .
9 In ‘ 87 , Nick had been in Athens as one of the team that lured Fawaz Younis to a boat out of territorial waters , and put the handcuffs on him , and read him the charges of Air Piracy and placing a destructive device aboard an aircraft and committing violence aboard an aircraft and aiding and abetting a hijacking .
10 It is a geological fault , the result of a convulsion of nature in ages past when the north and north-west of Scotland moved away from the rest of the country , leaving a clear divide , straight as an arrow and sliced as though by a giant cleaver , across the breadth of Scotland from the Atlantic to the North Sea .
11 Some writers express humility in a particularly strange way : when they wish to express an opinion but feel that the first person singular is too assertive , they use the plural ( ‘ we submit ’ ) .
12 We held an investigation and realised that some of the records held by the accounts departments did not tally with the real situation .
13 New Scientist began by printing an article that stated that the country had better start acting youthfully or it was doomed to become a developing nation , thus posing the problem of how to become developing from being developed .
14 Plaintiffs ' solicitors should remember that the range of claimants was extended by the decision of the House of Lords in McLoughlin v O'Brian [ 1982 ] 2 All ER 298 to include , in that case , a wife and mother who suffered nervous shock on seeing her husband and children apparently badly injured in hospital after an accident and learning that one child had died .
15 They also needed to be extended to permit inspectors to examine aircraft of a similar type to the one involved in an accident and to establish whether they also showed signs of the same sort of failure .
16 Whatever may be true of the world , and , as follows from what has been said of necessitation , our conception of an effect is not a conception of an event that occurs if a usual background exists , or an event which follows on something required for it , but might not have occurred , or a merely probable event .
17 Jenny grinned , that wide , slightly toothy grin which she tried so hard to avoid , and which filled her whole face with an animation and glow that turned Antony 's heart upside down .
18 This is quite the worst case I have ever heard of.It 's an outrage and proves that the government is quite wrong to claim that the health service is improving
19 The other plausible strategy is to admit an inconsistency but to accept that the law should not necessarily be consistent across the range of tragic choices .
20 Additionally , he noted that ‘ many people feel that the system has not done enough to protect what is good in an environment or to ensure that new development is of a sufficiently high quality ’ .
21 Well there is there is an argument that says if P As do the twenty six five work , or the bulk of it , that Sarah might be a one team complaint examiner .
22 Hamilton argued that , because selection is stronger on earlier ages , alleles with advantageous effects early in life would be more likely to be fixed by selection than those with a later age of action , an argument that implies that populations are continually adapting , and so are not in equilibrium .
23 In that case , the hon. Gentleman sets an example and shows that in a free society people can decide what they want to drink .
24 In the preceding conversational fragment ( I ) , we shall also say that speaker A treats the information that she has an uncle as presupposed and speaker B , in her question , indicates that she has accepted this presupposition .
25 Jane cocks an eyebrow and says that , if anything , she has fattened me up .
26 For both Kung ( 1981 ) and Lyotard , art moves within the area between man 's capacity to conceive an idea and his ability to create an artefact that evokes or articulates it so that one of art 's more important roles is the symbolization of what does not yet exist .
27 The Israeli delegation rejected such an interpretation and insisted that it would only negotiate with a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation .
28 Homoeopathy also differs from the orthodox approach in that it concentrates on the body 's own inherent ability to heal itself and aims to work along with this ability , to enhance it where necessary , to seek out the basic underlying causes of an illness and to effect where possible a permanent cure .
29 We commonly think of an illness as starting when the symptoms commence , like the lethargy and runny nose at the beginning of a cold .
30 For anyone who still needs convincing that Craig is first and foremost a guitarist he quotes an incident that happened when the Y-Fronts got back together for a gig in Melbourne , during the time he was with Neighbours .
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