Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is also noteworthy that there is a provision in the 1980 Local Government , Planning and Land Act for the secretary of state to direct a local authority to ‘ make an assessment of land which is in its area and which is in its opinion available and suitable for development for residential purposes ’ .
2 The first is that acquired solely by study and reading which is only a pale imitation of the real thing since it is not accompanied by an experience of love which answers to the intellectual knowledge ( c.4 ) .
3 But they have gone through an experience of doubt which has purged them forever of the desire to doubt without finding an answer .
4 In the description of the sprinkler and the apron , and especially the altar , the internalization of law ( as disguise ) results in this sacrilege within reverence , an intimacy with law which can blow apart its ideological effect ( revealing the hidden side of the altar ) — and with a strange knowing innocence strangely inseparable from that intimacy .
5 ‘ God grant that some editor somewhere is thinking about educating his staff in the need to check stories before rushing into print — an ethic of journalism which seems to have all but disappeared these days , ’ said Bob .
6 But they hope that in a few days forty orphaned children will be on their way to a new life in England … leaving behind them an horror of war which has already killed thousands of innocent youngsters .
7 Within an hour of arrival they were closeted with the permanent secretary , the most senior civil servant , of the Ministry of Agriculture mapping out the ground for a loan from the World Bank to Tanzania which would put $25 million into livestock production , turning ranching and the export of beef into a major national industry .
8 An hour after noon he wandered out of the room he shared with Bessie 's children and went into the kitchen , where he splashed water on his face .
9 He had helped the actor on one or two cases and found an enthusiasm for investigation which he could never muster for his extremely lucrative solicitor 's practice .
10 With an exclamation of frustration she went to open it , gave a violent start and swallowed hard .
11 Those who had come to New England to have an opportunity to practice their own approach to religion , and then found they did not agree with the views held by those who were in power , had a more serious problem .
12 After cashing the nine of clubs the ace of diamonds is an entry to dummy which allows you to cash the remaining two club tricks and discard your losing diamond and spade .
13 The EA booklet cites Scream magazine , published by IPC , as presenting evil as part of everyday life instead of an intrusion into life which must be resisted in the way of the traditional comics .
14 These were either the study of technology integrated within a general study of human adaption to the environment , which presupposed a particularly immediate relationship between society and the environment , or alternatively an anthropology of art which , by contrast , emphasized the greatest possible distance between people and their environment , in order to focus upon exotic and esoteric practices .
15 However , by assimilating and making their own so many Greek gods , literary conventions , artistic forms , philosophical ideas and social customs , they put themselves and the Greeks in a unique reciprocal situation ; the more so because they made their own language an instrument of thought which could rival Greek and render Greek ideas with remarkable precision ( though the Greeks never quite accepted the fact ) .
16 Whereas most theories of the state view it as providing certain services which promote the welfare of the society , they see it as an instrument of repression which is used by the ruling class to maintain the status quo .
17 It was held that where an absolute owner brings an action for trespass he must prove title and an intention to regain possession .
18 James discussed this with a technical officer , and together they converted a very powerful hearing-aid ( now useless to James ) into an amplifier of vibration which could be felt .
19 Bridge , on the other hand , was possessed of an urbanity of manner which proved of the greatest importance , especially in the firm 's dealings with George III and other members of the royal family .
20 The new leaders will in their turn suffer the same fate : but that is an irony of life which is not apparent to everyone .
21 460 in which it was held that an applicant for accommodation who wished to challenge the housing authority 's decision that he was intentionally homeless could do so either by action or by application for judicial review .
22 Pieper warned that some ‘ open ’ vendors were now beginning to backtrack and introduce non-standard elements into their product offerings , in an attempt to lock-in their customer bases .
23 The air was heavy with perfume and the little gold chairs were jammed tightly together in an attempt to seat everyone .
24 In technical language , we must add to the kinematics a dynamics , an equation of motion which will prescribe how things will evolve with time .
25 David has always , for a time , hitched his rocket on somebody who is powerful — no question about it — he 's powerful himself , but he needed an injection of ruthlessness which Ken Pitt , being a very sweet , nice man , was n't giving him at the time .
26 One of them , 26 year old Anthony Clarke , gave him an injection of heroin which proved fatal .
27 That is why Alan Yentob , controller of BBC1 , felt duty bound to reply , publicly apologising for an episode of Casualty which featured a riot .
28 Iain Reekie confesses to entertaining an ambition to stage it ever since his days at college when he played the part of Creon the king , and perhaps this background makes him hostile to any interpretation which would see in Creon a proto-Nazi .
29 Sparkling red or white grape juice can make an innocuous , though rather sweet , non-alcoholic drink , but an alternative to champagne it is not .
30 This is an alternative to war which states could in theory accept without giving up their own moral values , going back on their own factual claims , losing their dignity in the community of nations , or giving up their political endeavours to persuade others to their point of view .
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