Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 To be a colonel required an income of £1000 a year and a captain needed £200 ; the intermediate ranks were suitably graded .
2 Twice married , a former BBC Radio 4 panellist and one-time Harlech TV ‘ weathergirl ’ , Amaranth was a woman in search of a husband , an income of £100,000 a year and a seat in Parliament .
3 The Wirral Hospital Trust says the shops will generate an income of £100,000 a year which will be used to support the staffing costs of a vital new service , a body scanner .
4 Legally an income of £40 a year rendered a freeholder liable to take up knighthood , but as a result of inflation £120 was now desirable to support the dignity .
5 For a town of this rank it seems almost incredible until we recall that Walsingham enjoyed a lucrative tourist trade as far and away the most popular resort of pilgrimage , the shrine alone deriving an income of £250 a year from the pious offerings of the faithful , compared with the meagre £36 to which that of St Thomas at Canterbury had by then shrunk .
6 Mr Doig said yesterday : ‘ No grower in his right mind can be happy with an income of £10 a tonne .
7 I lost an income of £9,000 a year .
8 His so-called Magnum Opus , the forty-eight volumes of his novels , generated an income of £5,000 a year .
9 He already has an income of £800,000 a year .
10 Living alone , with no electricity , no water on tap , one cow and a calf , and an income of £280 a year — ‘ if things go well ’ .
11 Each £250 or part of £250 will be treated as if it were bringing in an income of £1 a week .
12 He left money for the poor and the sick , and an endowment of £20 a year for Bridgnorth School .
13 The electromagnet shown in section in Fig. 3.21 is designed to give radial magnetic flux density B in an annulus of radius a and width unc when energized with constant voltage V. Its coil is wound from copper of conductivity unc and is located in the annular space inside the electromagnet which has the dimensions a , b , c shown in the figure .
14 The High Availability Work Group is supposed to provide requirements for technologies that by 1995 will give System V a Class 4 Availability Rate meaning less than an hour of downtime a year in a 24 hour-a-day seven-day-a-week operating situation .
15 Over five years , an investment of £10 a month into a hypothetical fund based on the average performances of all the ethical/green funds listed would now be worth £822.32 which as the table on average sector performance shows , is the best performance of any sector bar Far East Excluding Japan and North America .
16 Is the culmination of an obsession with Koi a need to go completely Japanese ?
17 Section 6 , like many other sections of the Act is no more than an attempt to put into an Act of Parliament a rule of common law .
18 For instance ( using the familiar Venn diagrams ) it will be said that the underlined phrase of ( 11 ) ( which is , incidentally , a zoologically correct statement ) owes its restrictive quality to the fact that there is an intersection between circle a , standing for the class of piranhas , and circle b , standing for the class of vegetarian creatures , and this intersection represents the beings denoted by the subject of the sentence : ( 11 ) vegetarian piranhas can be found in the Amazon ( 12 ) However , such implications are incorrect ; it is by no means necessarily true that the property instantiated by a restrictive adjective is to be ascribed to the entity qualified .
19 One participant recollected attending an Inquiry into unemployment a number of years ago and asked the question : ‘ Has anything changed ? ’
20 Apparently he was involved in an accident at work a few days ago , went to his local casualty department who could n't actually detect any break and treated it as a severe sprain . ’
21 In an offer for sale a fixed price is set for the shares to be offered to the public by an issuing house for the company concerned .
22 A survey of 1,500 ILF clients by health economist Victoria Phillips found community care cost an average of £228 a week , compared with more than £44 for residential care .
23 Over the past two decades the owners have been generous on pay because their revenues have increased by an average of 12% a year .
24 Darren has already banked over £125,000 in prize money this season , which boosts his career winnings to over £300,000 , an average of £100,000 a year .
25 Not all claimed expenses in the year to April 1991 , but those who did claimed an average of £92 a day .
26 Locals liken the potential impact of the BTU tax to the impact of the oil bust in the mid-1980s , when the oil price fell from an average of $18 a barrel in 1985 to $15.05 in 1986 .
27 It is reported on the front page of The Times today that the common agricultural policy — that squalid policy which is costing British families an average of £18.50 a week each — will destroy the world free trade talks , which have been going on for four or five years , and involve just about every country in the world .
28 The single unemployed living on their own are the only group who have lost significantly from the changes — by an average of £2.16 a week .
29 Yet their fuel bills will rise by an average of £2 a week and more in the colder areas .
30 Milk yields of up to 35kg a day in June were common , with an average of 25kg a day over the summer months , but the milk was not very creamy .
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