Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
2 and for an hour at least she sits and teases
3 Often the pilot is lost and has been worrying for the past half an hour about where he is .
4 Because that has an effect on how you can use people .
5 The Assistant Managers will continue to work where they are currently situated and this will give you an indication of where you will initially be working in the new structure .
6 The comments of one development officer may be taken as an indication of how they felt about their workers , and about what characterises a good support worker : Interviewer :
7 In this way you are getting the students involved in thinking about what they are looking at , and you are also getting an indication of how they interpret what they see .
8 Well the specific question I asked is whether you 've quantified in percentage terms erm perhaps Group Captain you could give us an indication of how it has affected it ?
9 This viewpoint can be tempered by an appreciation of how we talk to …
10 The Home Office described it as ’ a piece of mischief ’ , but said there would be an investigation into how it happened .
11 An investigation into how he managed to escape so easily is now underway .
12 Hopefully this will give an insight into how we try to please most of the people most of the time , and maybe encourage more staff to put pen to paper and get into print .
13 His report gives an insight into how it feels to take part .
14 In his autobiography , ‘ Inward Hunger ’ , ( 1969 ) Williams gives us an insight to how he felt at the end of this speech , ‘ the audience had listened with rapt attention ’ … then …
15 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
16 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
17 The author 's been unable to resist popping down to the set once in a while to keep an eye on how it 's going .
18 In this case we may say that the reflection shows itself through the mirror , and this illustrates the general principle that consciousness can be understood only by an examination of how it reveals itself through the material world .
19 He then launched an inquiry into why she was granted Legal Aid .
20 Wanted to do an article on how I 'd built the company from nothing .
21 You know we had an accident along where we opened that car door and that cyclist
22 I 've got a what do you me call on that roo , er an assembly on why we , why do we have rules .
23 She 's over an inch less where it counts for that dress . ’
24 In part the style is an acknowledgement of how she came to the leadership , and in part also a reaction to previous leaders .
25 Nothing is guaranteed to make an expert less sympathetic to your case than having an argument about when they are likely to be paid .
26 But I mean that would just be an argument about where they set the level that you no longer were to qualify for child benefit , but I mean , bu , you know , presuma , presumably er , th the point the man was was making that er , the child benefit goes equally
27 The issue of Information memoranda and related advertisements in connection with the disposal by clients of businesses is an example of when we issue advertisements as agents for our clients .
28 So there 's an example of where it 's happening and I hope it will happen over the whole field .
29 This is an example of why you should judge catalogues — and nurseries — by the candour , honesty and fullness of the information they provide .
30 I will give you an example of why I have come to that conclusion .
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