Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
2 Therapist : ‘ What we will do in this first session is an assessment of exactly what 's going on : first we will look at the problems at the moment ; second we will look at background factors such as your family and personal history ; and third we will try to pull it all together and formulate what is going on , and then decide on what the best course of action is .
3 Unfortunately we do not have a detailed , turn-by-turn transcription of her interactions , but it is reasonable to assume that her linguistic accommodation was preceded by an assessment of how her interlocutor might be expected to talk ; in other words , that Sue 's assumption of a persona would be mediated through a stereotype of the linguistic behaviour of the group to which she felt her customer belonged .
4 and for an hour at least she sits and teases
5 Often the pilot is lost and has been worrying for the past half an hour about where he is .
6 Because that has an effect on how you can use people .
7 ‘ I was n't aware of the fact that I was being used to provoke your ‘ lovely Lotta ’ in an attempt to further your tempestuous love-life !
8 In an attempt to further his rugby career , McKenzie loaded up his car and headed north to Sydney and arrived at Randwick .
9 The Assistant Managers will continue to work where they are currently situated and this will give you an indication of where you will initially be working in the new structure .
10 The comments of one development officer may be taken as an indication of how they felt about their workers , and about what characterises a good support worker : Interviewer :
11 In this way you are getting the students involved in thinking about what they are looking at , and you are also getting an indication of how they interpret what they see .
12 Bogue and Buffa ( 1986 , pp. 169–70 ) provide an indication of how one might proceed with such tests .
13 Well the specific question I asked is whether you 've quantified in percentage terms erm perhaps Group Captain you could give us an indication of how it has affected it ?
14 Yeah , it 's true , you take bits of The Sweeney , yeah , they done an episode of where there 's bank raid and what they do n't want they use mask , masking tape right like that and end up .
15 What should happen if [ J. ] suffers an episode before then which should require ventilation to be applied mechanically to save or prolong his life ?
16 This viewpoint can be tempered by an appreciation of how we talk to …
17 Like many other master masons , Grumbold worked as an executant of both his own and others ' designs .
18 A PARLIAMENTARY candidate has called for an investigation into why there was a delay in an ambulance reaching a woman who died after plunging from a window .
19 The Home Office described it as ’ a piece of mischief ’ , but said there would be an investigation into how it happened .
20 An investigation into how he managed to escape so easily is now underway .
21 The traveller who reaches this point is rewarded by an insight into why our powers of measurement in quantum mechanics are more restricted than they are in classical mechanics ; why we can not , for instance , measure both the position of an electron and its momentum .
22 Hopefully this will give an insight into how we try to please most of the people most of the time , and maybe encourage more staff to put pen to paper and get into print .
23 His report gives an insight into how it feels to take part .
24 In his autobiography , ‘ Inward Hunger ’ , ( 1969 ) Williams gives us an insight to how he felt at the end of this speech , ‘ the audience had listened with rapt attention ’ … then …
25 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
26 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
27 On the contrary , a company that does not keep an eye on how its employees are functioning is probably itself being badly run .
28 The author 's been unable to resist popping down to the set once in a while to keep an eye on how it 's going .
29 In this case we may say that the reflection shows itself through the mirror , and this illustrates the general principle that consciousness can be understood only by an examination of how it reveals itself through the material world .
30 He then launched an inquiry into why she was granted Legal Aid .
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