Example sentences of "we also [verb] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm we also know that base five formwork is up so we started on base five as soon as we can , put as many resources into it as we can we mentioned earlier that er having five hundred people in there made life quite congested but we decided the more people that helped in there the better and er our objective was to get the er wall steelwork up .
2 and we also know that advertising reinforces smoking , it makes , makes people think that smoking is okay .
3 We also saw that context can have an effect on the speed of visual word recognition , although experiments by Fischler and Bloom ( 1979 ; 1980 ) suggest that the effect is inhibitory rather than facilitatory , with a word taking longer to identify when preceded by a context which makes it semantically anomalous .
4 We also ask that motion two four two be referred .
5 We also showed that grade two do significantly better than grade three , but most importantly perhaps is that we showed that patients with a vascular count that are less than twenty one do significantly better than patients with a vascular count of greater or equal to twenty one .
6 We also have that authority from of ScotRail in respect of their site .
7 We also learn that family structure and sentiments which we take for granted are by no means universal , that forms of government that seem inevitable and natural are not necessarily so ; we confront the unpalatable finding that a strong sense of brotherhood and identity within a community usually implies equally strong hostilities towards outsiders .
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