Example sentences of "we can find [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We can find no reason or motive at this time .
2 It has regular outbreaks , for which we can find no reason , of one particular disease .
3 However , we have the same problem as with ‘ Little Bangs ’ : white holes should be extremely obvious cosmic phenomena , broadcasting powerfully in every region of the energy spectrum , and yet we can find no trace of them .
4 It is perhaps in the surviving pre-Conquest books more than anywhere that we can find a clue to Lanfranc 's impatient determination to make a completely new start with the monastic life at Canterbury .
5 There we are let's put see if we can find a space to put these .
6 Let's see if we can find a pub . ’
7 Let's hope we can find a parking space .
8 Okay , let's see if we can find a parking spot , here , it 'll do nicely , or there or there , no there 's not one there
9 My , see if we can find a pen or something , that one might work , lean on the table cos it 'll be easier
10 Same as 8 , if we can find a recording !
11 We can find a bird 's nest in the woods , I bet .
12 ‘ Let's see if we can find a way . ’
13 We can find a way from down here ? ’ he asked .
14 If we can find a way of sending a parcel , we must do so .
15 No wh what I 'm saying is why ca n't we produce the letters off the box let's , can we find out exactly what it would , what , how er if we can find a way of getting this information downloaded onto a disk and then run it off on a straightforward standard letter basis .
16 ‘ And perhaps , ’ added Mary cleverly , ‘ we can find a boy to push you in your wheelchair , if you ca n't walk , and we can go there together without any other people .
17 Any two solids can therefore be glued together if we can find a liquid which will wet them both and then harden .
18 If we can find a mystery variable which completely captures the causal mechanism , the effect of unemployment experience on law-breaking will disappear when the mystery variable is brought under control .
19 If it 's a river we can find a place to hole up and get some rest .
20 Now while , we can find a submatrix Y1 such that unc where E1 is of standard canonical form , Y1 is not of the general form D1 and so will not permute with C1 .
21 There will be some toy elephants for sale — IF we can find a shop outlet within the Pavilions .
22 SOLUTION We can find a value for the relative molecular mass Mr of the solute directly from the va n't Hoff equation ( 11 ) .
23 We must both find a way through this , and I demand that we in this country support the Commission in its negotiations , demanding that the United States come further towards us , so that together we can find a solution for the whole world , instead of throwing batons at each other across the Atlantic .
24 It is only when we begin to face an illness that we can find a cure .
25 For example , suppose we can find a set of multipliers pi such that P(A) vanishes .
26 If we can find a process that affects only one piece in a face , then the commutator of that process with that face gives a 3-cycle of a piece , or a pair of flips or a pair of corner twists , depending on whether the process moves , flips , or twists the piece .
27 Sometimes we can find a room in a nearby house for a lower amount , reflecting either less space or more simple facilities .
28 In my humble opinion if we can find a formula round this table for satisfying them , and that 's , I mean that 's who we 're trying to satisfy .
29 I hope that we can find an answer .
30 ‘ Only if we can find the document , ’ Charlotte cautioned .
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