Example sentences of "we could [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 After a few hours ' walking along the ridge we could clearly see Koitobos , one of the peaks surrounding the crater rim — a long , flat-topped buttress with a steep cone at one end , composed of large , dark brown , vertical columns .
2 Well this is a marvellous new form of economics , if we could just create things and er export them without getting paid for them and it would n't us .
3 We could just juggle things around . ’
4 Take the spare bits of ‘ your ’ animal home for the freezer , and we could even sell videos , with stereo sound , of its death at your very own hands , to amuse your guests at dinner parties .
5 Several of the photographers and columnists were already drifting in in the hope of an early drink ( they 'd be unlucky — we could n't serve drinks before twelve ) .
6 Yes , in fact we shall be going again this week , and I have no doubt , once again this week , we , we 'll be overlapping into another bay , but er unless we use the coach car park , er which means that we could n't take children who were n't really able walkers , so in fact we would be discriminating against our own children , er I really ca n't see what else we can do .
7 We wanted him to finish his career at Wigan but once we could n't agree terms with him , we had to buy a replacement in Martin Crompton and we have to back him now .
8 ‘ We always figured we could n't afford ads , but we could make a lot of noise ’ , says Miles .
9 ‘ You see , we could n't get gigs in the city of Cork , so we used to play these places around the county .
10 We could n't get seats in the main tent .
11 At present , there are too few places that cater properly for tourists , yet we could easily create facilities which would attract more visitors , and encourage them to spend more , too .
12 We could not classify patients into Kraemer et al 's group A or B , since this grouping depends on relatives ' naevus status ; not all patients could bring first-degree relatives for examination , and their opinions of relatives ' naevus status were unreliable in those who could be examined .
13 We could not take chances , ’ continued Tyrell , whose question had apparently been rhetorical .
14 We could only acquire areas outside our own boundary with the consent of the two other local authorities .
15 Both Dr Laurent and Dr Blackwell thought that it was a virus infection but we could only isolate bacteria in our small microscopes .
16 We could only use candles it night if we were working , because they were in very short supply .
17 First of all we SUFFERED that defeat last Saturday next I knacker my ankle playing on Sunday and lastly I arrive in Northampton on Monday morning to find that we could only get tickets for Arsenal end on Tuesday ( So Gavin it was n't me being escorted away by the men in black , even though it the current season does n't improve quickly I might be escorted by mem in white . )
18 ‘ But we could still have chaps like you taking messages back and forth , bringing tea , that sort of thing .
19 We could really make waves !
20 We could never open talks with such a barbarous regime , ’ its spokesmen say .
21 We could never afford things , ’ recalls Bryan .
22 We could never ask questions .
23 Well I mean er we could always have raffles ourselves anyway !
24 We could sometimes hear animals in the distance , but only caught fleeting glimpses of the occasional bird — a symptom of the large amount of illegal hunting that goes on .
25 We could then develop services around that practice . ’
26 We could possibly arrange sub-contractors if anyone was interested in taking up the job in a given area .
27 We could all have rivers brimming with salmon if you wish .
28 I 'll be talking later on in Congress about the fact that we could perhaps bring amendments and that would help the wording on things .
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