Example sentences of "we have [to-vb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well whatever , what we have to do , we have to fill out a form and er I think erm
2 If we are to control all variables , we have to set up a totally artificial situation .
3 ‘ If we have to give back the kettles and toasters , we 'll have nothing left . ’
4 We have to go back a little way to remember that in 1976 they presided over the most savage cuts ever imposed on the national health service .
5 I do n't think it 's condoning , I just think it 's given the safe , giving out the safest options for people who maybe taking drugs and , and and maybe in , in maybe er sometimes thinking about injecting drugs , and er I think we actually have to be very clear on this epidemic , that , that there is no , no way for , for lack of clarity , we have to go down the line .
6 So we have to pick up the pieces on this one . ’
7 We have to weigh up the merits of medical assistance and of leaving Nature to take its course .
8 Here in the UK , we have to clean up the image of our Rottweilers , which has been so tarnished in recent years .
9 Because of socialisation it is only rarely that we have to puzzle out a meaning for an action which we come across in our normal social encounters — most actions seem perfectly intelligible to us the moment they occur — because we have learnt the rules by which others are playing the ‘ game ’ .
10 To get it to work properly , we have to clear out the old powder , which are our old conditioned thought patterns , and replace them with the right ones .
11 ‘ So we have to hand over the reins of Chester 's to a man whose only interest is money for money 's sake ? ’ she persisted in a low , intense voice , ‘ when anyone can see all the company needs is a re-think of direction , a bit of diversification … ’
12 We have to try out the master scoreboard , a slick computerised monster and a change from the usual ‘ Spaghetti Junction ’ , so need the audience to check the theatre 's voting system .
13 But if we want to consider how life arose , we have to look back a further thousand million years beyond even the earliest micro-fossils , to a time when the earth was completely lifeless and still cooling after its birth .
14 In doing so , we have to come out every day and , once we 're out , it 's on our record for life .
15 We have to count up the matter .
16 Heterosexuals can marry but there is no such recognised category as ‘ gay marriage ’ ( except perhaps in Denmark ) , so right away we have to tear up the book of rules .
17 We have to make up a team though do n't we ?
18 ( I felt like telling him those bastards had aged me by years , but I suppose we have to keep up a brave face . )
19 We feel we have to keep up the pressure . ’
20 We have to keep out an eye er keep an eye , I do n't want any to keep an eye out for the erm
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