Example sentences of "we were in [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then when Warnaeera and Muralidaran got New Zealand out for 102 , we knew we were in with a great chance of beating them . ’
2 We were in with a medal chance .
3 We were in for a long , rough passage , battling into the wind for seven hours or more .
4 I did n't know the forecast , but could see we were in for a storm .
5 He is one of the finest strikers so I suppose you ca n't totally blame the defence but by this time I thought we were in for a beating .
6 Even then we were in for a surprise you see , because at the end of the You know how most houses have a rectangular plot within which the house is put ?
7 The omens were bad , and when the Hammersmith show eventually got going it seemed we were in for an all-time rock ‘ n ’ roll disaster .
8 I knew we were in for an enjoyable day as soon as I heard Nick Faldo say , ‘ Have you heard this one , Nick ? ’
9 A feeling that we were in for an epic grew as we waited on the gendarme to begin a traverse across a snow ledge to the top of the fixed ropes , where the Germans , their clothes white with snow and ice , had set up another abseil .
10 AT FIRST , it seemed that we were in for an evening at the Theatre of Cruelty .
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