Example sentences of "we were [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We were taught the right way to hold the tiller and mainsheet , how to pull the sail in and out and how to ‘ tack ’ — change direction by turning the front of the dinghy into the wind .
2 ‘ But we were drunk the whole time on the aphrodisiac of youth . ’
3 We were given the wrong advice in the first place , ’ says Jeremy Myles of TEM .
4 Nevertheless , we were given the green light — unfortunately , poor Molly was accidentally stepped on a couple of times .
5 Commenting on the contract , Gerry said : ‘ We were awarded the new contract against stiff competition from other FM companies , and look forward to continuing our relationship with BP . ’
6 We were shown the great marble slab covering Arthur 's coffin and the chalice well which provided water for the brothers .
7 The following day , we were shown the new Flying Kilometre course at Arc 2000 .
8 THE MINEMA IN KNIGHTSBRIDGE makes a welcome reopening with La Belle Noiseuse : Divertimento ( 15 ) , the shorter version of Jacques Rivette 's splendid La Belle Noiseuse which runs for four hours and which we were shown the other day .
9 We 'd arrived too late to enjoy whatever it was that the Sixties had ; and we were left the warm dregs to mull over .
10 We gave him a Bronx cheer and a brief round of applause , ate and chatted our way through two more boxes of popcorn , until , finally , fifty minutes later , we were told the only remaining power was in his elbow and would we like our money back ?
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