Example sentences of "we had [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We certainly surprised a lot of people and I think we may even have surprised ourselves by the progress we had made in a relatively short time . ’
2 Mr Walker , who had vowed he would have to be evicted with the family , said : ‘ We had hoped for a stay of execution to allow the family to depart with dignity , but the Scottish Office handled the request in the same way as they have handled the whole affair — with massive insensitivity .
3 We had heard of a municipal university , and of a university of the East Midlands , and newcomers were welcomed by the Chairman of the College Council who , I think , was also a City or County Councillor .
4 Again , we had suffered from a lack of screens to back the tables for display purposes and privacy .
5 At the outset of the plans , we had prayed for a sign of divine approval .
6 our construction but the only to get there we had to squeeze through a gap this way and come round
7 Our perambulations were interrupted now and again when other young friends with babies , hove in sight and , being infectious , we had to wave from a distance and hurry away from each other .
8 We had emerged from a private wall into the crazy world of summer skiers , no doubt fresh from their BMWs in the car park below , and bemused by the intrusion of this odd , dilapidated pair of chastened alpinists .
9 We had begun on a totally false premise , ’ he said at length .
10 So we had to go through a whole charade of auditioning a second guitarist .
11 Momentarily transfixed , I soon realised we had run into a very dense patch of phosphorescence , a common enough phenomenon at sea which never failed to fascinate me .
12 In one very vivid dream , I remember being shot in the lower back and although it was only a dream we had to swim under a sort of submerged wall in order to escape . ’
13 Their quotation was £12 for two pages , we had asked for a quote based on four , and although the letter promised a price and font list it was not enclosed .
14 Each campesino had been given instructions to always have ready 20 extra tortillas in case we had to leave at a moment 's notice , but even so , it was very hard .
15 In the end we had to settle for a hurried and depressing buffet in the North British Hotel , with a menu which would not have been out of place at a Sunday-school picnic .
16 Half way along we had to stop for a couple of hours because the ‘ road ’ had been washed away and the people who were travelling had to clear it .
17 Well that was the , the erm union for us , erm I think erm one of the great assets of being in public transport was that we were in a local erm pension scheme , erm when , when we in the office started , we had to wait until we were eighteen and then we had to wait for a vacancy because there was a limited number of people that the Council were prepared to back by paying a similar amount .
18 The Chinese do n't like their planes to fly unless the weather is absolutely O.K. So we had to wait for a few hours for the plane to arrive from Shanghai .
19 We had to pay for it , so we had to send off a bill and therefore it knows what the price is .
20 We had to pay for it , so we had to send off a bill and therefore it knows what the price is .
21 We had got to a size where we needed an injection of institutional money and there were people who wanted to retire .
22 On the back of a piece of paper where we had worked on a poem called ‘ The Word ’ I found the quotation that begins this chapter .
23 no it was really New Town school children , because there was Forbert and Barnard 's school down the Old Town and that 's where the Old Town , all the Old Town people went , children went , so really Mark Hall was just New Town children you know , and then when , when we were eleven and had to go to another school we , er there was no comprehensive school in Harlow then , er we had to get on a bus and go to Chingford that was , did n't we ?
24 Design manager Ian Cheetham , 30 , said calmly : ‘ It was no big deal and we had to get to a very important meeting with clients . ’
25 I saw the formation of the Black Workers ' Group and the concessions that we had won as a lever or a rolling stone which would have a knock-on effect .
26 So we decided we had to look for a new singer .
27 We had driven up a muddy track for ten miles and had arrived at a completely ruined farmhouse with no windows or doors , set into the slope of a mountain , looking over a marshy plain .
28 All at once , I sat up as if electrified , for we had driven into a large corrugated iron compound , and there were British soldiers everywhere !
29 We had to walk through a course without people falling off .
30 Here the footpath ended so we had to walk for a few hundred yards along a stretch of country road .
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